‘Witches of Smith Street’ seek Halloween candy donations

Halloween Candy

The “Witches of Smith Street” seek Halloween candy donations for the annual trick-or-treating blitz in the Town Center.

The witches ask that donations be dropped off at the school lobby by the end of the day on Monday, October 25.

They’ll distribute candies to families along the street where Shelter Island kids traditionally focus their trick or treating efforts, following the costume parade in the Town Center.

“We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you all on the 31st,” said a letter to the Gazette signed by the Witches of Smith Street.

Meantime, the PTSA of Shelter Island invites Islanders to participate in a new Halloween event called “Trunk or Treat.” This will take place in the parking lot at the Island School, conveniently located between the traditional parade route and Smith Street.

It’s for those of us who don’t live along Smith Street but do enjoy doling out candy to the little ghouls and goblins on Halloween.

Use this link to reserve a spot in the parking lot, then give your vehicle a spooky makeover, and join the fun from 3 to 6 PM on Sunday, October 31, at the Shelter Island School.