Union Chapel: Historical Society Sunday

Image courtesy Shelter Island Historical Society | South Ferry vessel heading into the dock circa 1910.

For a rousing Fourth of July, join Union Chapel in the Grove for Shelter Island Historical Society Sunday, featuring the South Ferry Clark family.

Bill Clark III , a trustee of the Historical Society, will talk about the family’s history, going back 300 years on Shelter Island. His presentation, “South ferry; Through The Ages,” will point out various landmarks in the company’s history and where they coincide with interesting points in our nation’s history.

The interdenominational service on Sunday, July 4 begins at 10:30 AM and is open to all. Chapel Organist Linda Betjeman will play patriotic hymns joined by  guest musician, baritone Thomas Milton (also an Historical Society trustee).

Family historian Bill 3, as he’s called within the family, will tell how Jonathan Havens (great-grandfather times six of Cliff and Bill), started a sailboat ferry soon after his arrival on the island in 1700. Descendants of the Havens family ran the ferry until Samuel Gibbs Clark purchased the property and its ferry operations in 1833. The Clark family has run the ferry since.

“I’ve always been fascinated by the South Ferry story,” Bill said. “I never tire of sharing how our ancestors built the operation from rowboats and sailboats in the 1700s to the company it is today. I feel that it’s a great honor to work at the ferry and always enjoy talking about our wonderful history.” 

Image courtesy Shelter Island Historical Society

South Ferry President Cliff Clark described helping to run a longtime family business: “The South Ferry Clarks, including our grandparents, parents, uncles and cousins, were all raised with a deep sense of commitment to service to the customers. The financial bottom line was never the center of the conversation. We were taught courtesy and service as our reason for being.” 

Shelter Island Historical Society Sunday

In recent years, Shelter Island Historical Society Sunday has featured speakers of various and eclectic topics. Executive Director Nanette Breiner Lawrenson chose the speakers.

“The tradition has enabled our organization to partner in sharing specific histories of Shelter Island people and places,” she said, adding, “The Shelter Island Historical Society continues to be grateful for Historical Society Sunday at Union Chapel.” 

Past speakers included David Lichtenstein Ph.D., president of South Ferry Hills Association, who spoke in 2019 about the Smith-Ransome Bridge. “A Treasure Hidden in Plain Sight,” told of the history of the graceful bridge over a man-made lagoon in South Ferry Hills, as well as the story of Francis Smith, the “Borax King,” at the turn of the 20th century. 

A familiar face around the island, Angelo Piccozzi told stories in 2018 about the “Life and Times of Jake and Augie Piccozzi,” the history of his family and the evolution of their businesses here.  

In 2017, Chris Fokine, president of Fokine Construction, and responsible for much of the recent renovations in the Chapel, as well as the construction of the Shelter Island History Center at the Historical Society, educated the audience about the Quaker cemetery, “Quakerism and the Declaration of Independence.”

Beth Auman, historian and expert on the history of Walter Cole Brigham, spoke in 2016 about the local artist who created the beautiful Chapel marine mosaic windows, crafted of local seashells, stones and chunks of broken glass. Her talk was “Brigham’s Marine Mosaics: The Consecration of Common Things.”

South Ferry

This Sunday’s presentation traces the history of the South Ferry, and how it impacted the island, about which Cliff said, “The honor and responsibilities of being part of a family business that is more than 300 years old, and continues to be an essential part of this special community, is not lost on us.”

Image courtesy the Shelter Island Historical Society

As Union Chapel in the Grove looks ahead to 2022 and its own 150th anniversary, we celebrate our unique island history, shared with Shelter Island Heights, which also turns 150 next year.

Next up: Shelter Island Yacht Club Memorial Sunday service is on July 11 at 10:30 AM.

JoAnn Kirkland is an assistant to the Board of Trustees of Union Chapel. To learn more about the nonprofit, visit its website, unionchapelinthegrove.org/.