Recycle Right NY: Recycling is good, but waste reduction is even better

Recycle Right NY waste management pyramid with waste reduction at the broadest part

Recycle Right NY says recycling is good, but waste reduction is even better.

Here’s a message from the nonprofit recycling collaborative about how smart purchases are an important part of waste reduction:

We love recycling right but we must confess, there is something we love even more, and that’s waste reduction. As a sustainability behavior, it’s a bit of a hard thing to grasp as it is often the act of not doing something (not buying, not consuming, etc.).

Have you seen the waste management hierarchy? It’s similar to the food pyramid that we learned about as kids. Ranked from most effective to least effective, when it comes to waste management, before recycling or even reuse, comes reduction as the most impactful solution.

Ways to reduce waste include:

  • Breathe before you buy: Take a moment to pause and think about whether or not you really need the item.
  • Encourage others: Speak to your friends and family about the importance of wasting less.
  • Buy less, buy better: Save money by purchasing fewer things. If you must, and if you are able to, sometimes spending a bit more on a higher quality item can save you from having to replace a cheaper one sooner.

There are many opportunities to reduce waste in our everyday lives, including using less disposable items and buying only what we need. Remember, recycling right is important but it’s only part of the solution.

Recycle Right NY is a collaborative outreach and education campaign informed by more than 100 recycling professionals from across New York State. Learn more at