BBQ Cookoff celebrates American Legion Mitchell Post #281 centennial

The 2nd annual BBQ Cookoff at the American Legion Hall celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of Mitchell Post #281. If last year’s inaugural cookoff was any indicator, you wouldn’t want to miss this party!

The event brings together the Island’s active duty military and veterans – young and old — and those who love them for an evening of good food, live music, camaraderie, and, most importantly, bragging rights.

You can pick up meal tickets for the August 27 event at the Legion Hall, which is downstairs in the Community Center at 1 Batemen Road, or buy them the day of the event. The cost is $35 per person and includes multiple samplings of BBQ, delicious sides, water, and a ballot to cast your cookoff vote. Festivities begin at 6 PM on the lawn, with additional refreshments available at the bar downstairs.

After 8 PM, there will be $10 cover charge and live music as the celebration continues in the Legion Bar.

All proceeds go to Mitchell Post #281 and support its mission of providing service to active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces, veterans, their families, and the community.

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