Sylvester Manor: July Forest Theatre for kids ages 8 to 12

If you know children ages 8 to 12 who love to perform, sign them up while spots remain for the new Forest Theatre program at Sylvester Manor.

The three-week outdoor program in July will “support the belief that children can find the noblest understanding of themselves and the world within an environment that embraces nature,” Sylvester Manor says on its website. “The program is a theatre conservatory welcoming children to experience the elements of theatre … in the forest.”

Hannah Grey, who runs the Forest School at Sylvester Manor for preschoolers, will be leading the Forest Theatre along with the Manor’s other summer youth programs*.

“The historical aspects of theatre, music and dance will be introduced, as the basis for culture and communication and the importance of this history as it relates to theatre will be explored through storytelling and movement,” Sylvester Manor says.

  • Performances will be structured to feature each child to the best of their ability
  • The program will culminate with a unique and authentic performance in the forest
  • A typical day for a young performer may involve breathing exercises, singing warm-ups, reading the book the play will be adapted from, writing a short journal entry, and blocking and rehearsing the show

Hours are Monday to Friday from 2 to 4:30 PM from July 5 to July 23. Students must enroll for all three weeks. The cost is $1,125 with a 10 percent discount offered for full-time resident students.

If you have questions or are ready to register a child, contact Sylvester Manor at or 631-749-0626.

Payment must be made in advance to secure your registration. Mail a check payable to Sylvester Manor Educational Farm to PO Box 2029, Shelter Island NY 11964. Refunds, minus a 10 percent processing fee, can be made up to June 1; after that, no refunds are available.

  • While the Little Sprouts and Young Farmers programs are fully-booked, Sylvester Manor is adding new capacity so it doesn’t hurt to sign up for the waitlist