Spring ready indoors and out

Spring preparations

Spring has sprung on the Island which means cleaning house, installing window screens, and swapping out the winter wardrobe for spring and summer fashions. For some, the focus of work is outdoors — mulching, planting annuals and seeds, prepping garden beds, cleaning up the yard, nurturing the lawn and opening the pool.

Whether you’re getting spring ready indoors or out, members of our Island Directory can supply the products and services you need. Check out these dedicated Island businesses as you prepare for a new season.

Beth Santillo Cleaning

Beth Santillo Spring Cleaning

After you’ve socked away the winter wardrobe, decluttered and re-arranged the furniture just right, you probably deserve a break. Let Beth Santillo Cleaning and her crew spring clean the nooks and crannies, organize the pantry and take care of the windows. Santillo’s cleaning service offers customers a team of experienced hands and equipment for any home, office or event.

631-902-8821 | Contact Beth Santillo by email

Shelter Island Pools

Shelter Island Pools spring cleaning

Give your pool and filter a fresh start by ordering up a thorough cleaning from Shelter Island Pools. Owner Jonathan Wilutis recommends getting an early start. “Pools that are opened early use less chemicals to get them cleaned up,” Wilutis says. “As the thermometer starts to rise above your pool cover, the algae starts to grow under the pool cover. Open early to find any unanticipated problems and have a clean pool to enjoy looking at rather than the gloomy pool cover.”

He also suggests you get repairs done early this year as there’s a national shortage of pool parts as well as a chlorine shortage. “This may be just be the year to consider switching over to a saline pool.”

631-749-5269 | Follow Shelter Island Pools on Instagram

White Oak Farm & Gardens

White Oak Farm and Gardens spring flowers

“Spring is a great time to fertilize lawns, start your seedlings inside and turn over your beds,” says Phoebe Clark. White Oak Farm & Gardens provides all kinds of services including troubleshooting problem lawns and over-seeding. Many spring plants like lettuce, vegetables, annuals and perennials are in stock with more coming every week. Feeling overwhelmed? Call for a free consultation at White Oak or your home.

631-749-5814 | Find more at whiteoakfarmandgardens.com

Twin Forks Pest Control

Twin Fork Pest Control Carpenter Bee

Termites become active in spring. Spotting termites near your home can indicate a dangerous infestation. At this time of year, termite colonies produce swarmers — winged adults that fly away from their own colonies and are usually seen in the daytime. Be on the lookout, too, for carpenter bees. They’re known to burrow into decks, porches, fascia board, support beams and other exposed wood. They may cause structural damage. When thinking about pests, also consider protecting against moles and voles, which can mess up your garden plans. Twin Forks Pest Control can help with any kind of pest and also offers protection plans and free estimates, as well as deep cleaning and disinfection services.

631-298-0500 | Learn more at twinforkspestcontrol.com

Grady Riley Gardens

Grady Riley Spring Flowers

“The best thing right now is to have patience because the weather is very unpredictable and erratic,” says Robin Anderson, manager at Grady Riley Gardens, which has all sorts of tools, supplies and plants for your gardening needs. “Try not to be anxious, as it’s a little too early to put your seedlings out.” Anderson suggests waiting until at least Mother’s Day, as tender plants prefer warmer soil. Stop in for more useful tips, to purchase tools and supplies, and to browse the inventory, which is updated regularly.

631-749-5575 | Learn more about Grady Riley on our Island Directory

East End Mosquito & Tick Control

East End Tick and Mosquito Control happy dog

As part of your spring clean-up, eliminate tick habitat by raking and removing leaves that have gathered along yard edges and under shady vegetation.

“For the yard, keep your grass cut short and don’t over-water your plants and shrubs as ticks are attracted to long grass and cool damp areas,” he said. “Also, ivy and other sorts of ground cover are tick hot spots.”

Tick season has arrived and May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. To keep yourself, your family and pets safe, Brian Kelly of East End Tick & Mosquito recommends spraying monthly from April to November, using a repellent when outside and checking yourself for ticks (and have someone check the spots you can’t see) after being outdoors.

631-765-9700 | Learn more at tickcontrol.com