Shelter Island Action Alliance aims to keep restaurants open

The new Shelter Island Action Alliance aims to keep local restaurants open during the novel coronavirus crisis, while helping to feed medical professionals working on the front lines.

Launching Thursday, it’s the brainchild of Brett Surerus and Alex Graham, with inspiration from many others. The alliance is comprised wholly of volunteers.

Their message: “We are in this together.”

The goal, they said in a news release, is to “help Island restaurants through this incredibly stressful time in history; we plan to keep them open and help feed the staff ” at the two nearby hospitals. They are Stony Brook’s Eastern Long Island Hospital in Greenport and Southampton Hospital.

How it works

Individuals may make donations in any dollar amount to the Shelter Island Action Alliance. It will pay local restaurants (and donors may designate which restaurants they wish to support) to make and deliver food to the two hospitals.

The program will be administered by the alliance and a network of volunteers. “We have begun with the restaurants that are currently open and will expand to include others as they open,” the notice said. “Feedback from the owners has been overwhelmingly positive for this initiative.”

Three ways to donate

To donate, you can simply send money via Venmo (here’s how to sign up) to @shelterisland-actionalliance.

If you want to make a tax deductible donation, you can do so online through the Shelter Island Lions Club at (or send a check with SI Action Alliance in the memo line to Shelter Island Lions Foundation, PO Box 760, Shelter Island NY 11964).

Or you can pay restaurants directly by credit card or other non-cash method.

Keeping restaurants open

“By helping our restaurants to continue operating,” the Alliance said, “they are committed to:

  • continue to provide take-out options
  • hire back as much staff as possible
  • donate meals to hospitals and hospital staff

“Thank you for your support in helping our community,” the alliance said. “By keeping our restaurants open, we can all eat well.”

To learn about restaurants that are providing take-out/delivery service on Shelter Island, read this Gazette post.

Questions about the new alliance? See the FAQ below, or contact And please do share this information.

Shelter Island Action Alliance
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will you only be sending food to Hospitals?
A: Initially yes, the front line hospital staff (Nurses, Doctors, administrators, janitorial staff) all need to be able to focus on the task at hand.  We have phase two in the works for delivering to island senior citizens or others in need.

Q: I don’t have Venmo, can I send other payments?
A: Yes, please call the restaurant you want to support and tell them you would like to earmark this donation for the “Shelter Island Action Alliance” – They can take credit cards, debit cards and in some cases other payment methods.  Cash is not accepted at this time. 

Q: Can I select what the restaurant makes for food?
A: We believe the professional restaurants owners are best suited to know how to “get the best bang for your buck” so we ask you allow them to use their products their way 

Q: Who can I contact to help?
A: or 631-806-5458 (Brett Surerus) or 646-415-2792 (Alex Graham)

Editor’s note: The Shelter Island Gazette is pleased to support the Shelter Island Action Alliance by providing advertising free of charge.