NHS 2021 Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive – UPDATED

Souper Bowl of Caring 2021

While Tom Brady prepares for his tenth Super Bowl, members of the National Honor Society at Shelter Island School are spreading the word about their 2021 Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive.

The Souper Bowl runs through February 5 and benefits the Food Pantry at the Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. Students in grades PreK 3 to 7 should bring items to their homeroom for collection. Students in grades 8 to 12 may drop theirs off in a collection box in the main lobby.

National Honor Society members have been assigned to conduct a daily tally of the contribution from each grade level. The grade that brings in the most, wins bragging rights and a yet to be determined prize.

“We know the teams are not even in size, but we have a feeling that it is not going to be a factor,” says NHS Adviser Janine Mahoney. “In fact, my money (figuratively of course) is on the 3rd grade!” 

Of course, residents are welcome to drop supplies directly at the Food Pantry. Carrie Wood coordinates the effort at the Shelter Island Presbyterian Church. She says hours for both drop-off and pick-up are Monday and Friday, 10 AM to 1 PM, and Tuesday, 4 to 6 PM. Access is through the back entry off the parking lot.

2021 Souper Bowl of Caring wish list

The Food Pantry has provided a list of items that are especially sought (and, at the bottom, a list of things NOT particularly needed at this time). Please donate only items that shelf stable, unopened, and well within their expiration date.

Proteins (priority—always needed):

  • canned or pouch: tuna, chicken, ham, Spam, sardines, salmon
  • peanut butter, nut butters
  • canned and/or bagged dry beans (black, red, garbanzo, pinto, navy, lentils, etc.)


  • canned soup (variety needed — there is already a lot of chicken noodle and tomato)
  • canned or vacuum packed: beef stew, ravioli, chili, baked beans
  • taco shells/kits, pizza kits, Knorr pasta/rice packets, other easy meals/kits

Fruit, vegetables and tomato:

  • Canned or jars of fruit, applesauce
  • snack pack fruit, dried fruit, raisins
  • canned corn, mushrooms, peas, carrots, mixed, bean salad, beets
  • instant mashed potatoes, cauliflower rice
  • canned tomato products: diced, crushed tomatoes, sauce, paste


  • oatmeal canisters or packets, cream of wheat, muesli
  • boxed cold cereals
  • granola, breakfast bars
  • pancake/baking mix
  • cake mixes, baking ingredients

Pasta/Rice and sauce:

  • bags of plain white or brown rice
  • Knorr’s rice and pasta mix packs
  • spaghetti (the pantry reports it has plenty of other pasta and mac ‘n cheese)
  • spaghetti sauce, tomato and non-tomato options like alfredo, pesto, etc.


  • instant coffee, ground coffee, hot cocoa mix, regular and herbal teas
  • fruit juice, vegetable juice
  • shelf stable boxed milk: cow, almond, oat, soy, coconut
  • canned evaporated, condensed milk
  • Ensure and protein shakes

Snacks (any/all, but especially healthy snacks):

  • nuts/seeds
  • crackers
  • granola bars
  • microwave popcorn chips
  • cookies
  • pudding/jello cups

Condiments,Oil, spices:

  • mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, salad dressing
  • cooking oils: vegetable, olive, coconut
  • relish, salsa, pickles, olives
  • jars of gravy
  • jelly, jam,
  • maple syrup
  • seasonings: dried herbs and spices, salt and pepper

Personal care items (always needed):

  • soap, shampoo
  • razors/shaving
  • toothpaste/brushes
  • sanitary items
  • deodorant, body powder, lotion
  • band-aids
  • hair brush, comb, floss, nail clippers


  • paper goods, toilet paper, tissues, paper towels, (single rolls or small packs)
  • dish soap, sponges, scrub brush
  • laundry soap

Not needed at this time:

The pantry will take, but already has in plenty in stock:

  • ramen
  • cup o noodles
  • mac ‘n cheese
  • canned green beans
  • boxed pasta (except spaghetti)
  • these soups: chicken noodle, tomato, clam chowder
  • chicken stock stuffing mix, cranberry jelly or sauce
  • boxed pudding, jell-o mixes
  • minute rice and flavored boxed rice mixes
  • baby food, diapers, formula

[This post has been updated to provide Food Pantry hours of operation, thanks to Carrie Wood!]