Library hosts Google Sheets workshop

The Shelter Island Public Library hosts a Google Sheets workshop, just in time for taxes!

With tax deadlines looming, any help with organizing data is welcome. So why not join the library’s free Google Sheets workshop?

Debbie Dittmer is the instructor for the Zoom program, which takes place on Wednesday, March 16, at 5:30 PM. Please note that it’s for beginners.

To sign up, use the library’s online form at least 30 minutes before the program starts.

If you’ve never used Google Sheets, you’ll be surprised to find how versatile and easy they are to use.

Google accounts are free (although Google will charge for memory usage beyond the initial free 15 GB). You can sign up for a google account (create a Gmail address or use one you already have), and then use Google Sheets, and numerous other products, for free.

Step one? Google the words “free Google account” to get started.