Green Thoughts: Beach Green

Green Thoughts is brought to you by the Town of Shelter Island Green Options Committee

“The Sun is Shining and the Weather is Sweet, makes you wanna move your dancing feet … ” and bring a trash bag to clean up the beaches.

Nothing says summer like Bob Marley on repeat, outdoor gatherings, late nights and early morning beach walks. You do not have to walk far before you see a random solo cup, a bundle of fishing line, and other items that do not belong on the sand, but in the garbage.

Last time on Green Thoughts we discussed how Shelter Island recycles plastics and the awareness of being a more conscientious consumer. This week let’s duck dive a little bit more into waste. Even the most conscientious consumer will have garbage, but where that garbage ends up affects all of us, and one place we see it land is on the beaches. 

It may not be your garbage, but it is our collective responsibility to treat the Earth with respect. So how do we do that? We clean together. Every time you are on the beach, pick up a few items that do not belong and throw them out. Make sure that your garbage at home goes into the garbage and doesn’t get blown around.

If you have kids, have a small beach clean-up event, grab a friend or just keep it family. Future generations are key to environmental progress. According to Conservation.Org, there are, “eight million metric tons” of plastic “…we dump into the oceans each year…By 2050, ocean plastic will outweigh all of the ocean’s fish.” If that number doesn’t send shivers up your spine, it should. 

Going back to the initial question of what do we do: we clean. Next time you are at the beach, clean it up a little. Avoid the concept that it is not your garbage, but it is just garbage, and the future is all of ours. Grab your flip-flops, walk the beach and throw a few things out. The fish, birds, and turtles will thank you.


  • Make any beach walk a beach clean up
  • Spread the word, share the idea of collective earth care with family and friends
  • As always, be a conscientious consumer
  • Be aware of your home garbage, and ensure it is not being blown around 

Tip: Use a biodegradable dog waste bag as a glove, instead of your bare hand.

Green Thoughts is brought to you by the Town of Shelter Island Green Options Committee, which meets once per month to advise the Town Board on environmental and energy sustainability on Shelter Island.