East End Food Institute: Online shopping with Island delivery

Did you know that the East End Food Institute has online shopping with Island delivery? Through June 15, the nonprofit offers 20 percent off all frozen local soups in its virtual farmers market.

“We spend many months processing thousands of pounds of local produce from farms across the East End,” EEFI told us in a recent email. “While much of that produce is turned into products like sauces, jams, spreads, and preserves, the remainder is often cleaned, chopped, and frozen so that delicious seasonal food can be enjoyed throughout the year.”

Why not make your weeknight meal prep a little easier? Make use of frozen, prepared local produce — like French fry cut potatoes, diced zucchini, and vegetable blends — delicious frozen soups, and so much more.

EEFI’s mission is to support, promote, and advocate for the farmers, vintners, fishermen, and other food producers and providers on the East End of Long Island.

By shopping at the virtual market, you support a thriving local food system.

Order and pick up, or have it delivered

EEFI offers two options for retail orders — pick it up or have it delivered.

For Tuesday pickups in Southampton (39 Tuckahoe Road), place your order by Friday at noon. For Friday pickups in Riverhead 139 Main Road), place your order by Wednesday at noon.

For Friday delivery to Shelter Island, you must order by Wednesday at noon.

For more information, email info@eastendfood.org or call (631) 632-5129.