Educational Foundation grant applications due November 12

The Shelter Island Educational Foundation is accepting grant applications for projects that provide enriching educational experiences for children in grades Pre-K through 12 beyond those covered by the school curriculum and taxpayer-funded budget.

The maximum grant is $2,000 and the submission deadline is Friday, November 12 at 3 PM. Find details and forms in English and Spanish by following this link to the 2021 Fall Grants page on the foundation’s website.

In a change from past practice, SIEF has posted online applications, so there is no need to download and print paper forms.

SIEF accepts grant requests twice annually from students, teachers, and programs that inspire participants and enrich their futures. Projects must benefit students who are full-time residents of Shelter Island and provide or make possible, educational experiences beyond those available in the normal school curriculum and budget.

SIEF will award grants to not-for-profit institutions and to individuals such as teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community members for projects in the areas of technology, environmental studies, the arts and humanities, professional development, sports, scholarship, citizenship, and career and personal development.

In all cases, funds are paid to the entity providing the service. All grants are subject to approval by the SIEF board

Grant application guidelines

“Projects must provide, or make possible, educational experiences beyond those available in the normal school curriculum and funded by the school budget, which will inspire the participants and enrich their futures,” SIEF says. “Education is defined here as academic enrichment and improvement. It includes the development of the ability to express oneself, to develop social awareness, and to problem-solve.”

SIEF will not fund:

  • transportation for institutional or individual grants
  • salaries for those delivering a program
  • ongoing school tuition
  • funds for faculty

Applicants should:

  • Complete the application; incomplete or unsigned applications won’t be accepted
  • Be as concise as possible and limit supporting documentation; a member of the Grants Committee may contact the applicant if additional information is required
  • Understand that in judging applications, preference will be given to those who apply for off-Island experiences that in the opinion of the Grants Committee offer the most challenging and creative possibilities
  • Direct questions to SIEF President Janine Mahoney at or 631-749-0302 ext. 133 

Grant application principles

Projects must meet SIEF’s goals as stated in its mission:
To pursue, create, and provide excellent educational opportunities that enhance, inspire, and broaden the horizons of our children and the community. The Foundation seeks to go beyond the boundaries of local school district budgetary obligations and geographic isolation, augmenting the resources of individual teachers, family, and community and nourishing our unique island heritage.

Institutional projects

Applicants must assure the Grants Committee that costs beyond those covered by the amount requested in the application have been encumbered.

  • Applications must be made by, or on behalf of, a tax-exempt institution for the benefit of a specific group of children, e.g., grades pre-K to grade 12, pre-school, etc.
  • Projects must provide the children in the defined group with the opportunity for growth in terms of SIEF’s mission and the general principles outlined above 
  • Projects should benefit a group, as a whole, rather than any particular member of a group 
  • Applications may be made for institutional equipment that has been already been approved by the institution; such grants may be contingent on the institution providing matching funds

Individual projects

SIEF does not support applications by an individual for the same program more than twice.

  • Applications will be judged to a substantial extent on the applicant’s personal characteristics (e.g., enthusiasm and sincerity), as well as the suitability of the project to the applicant and the seriousness of its purpose; therefore, the applicant’s response to how he/she will benefit from the project will be a significant factor in the selection process
  • In the case of a pre-school applicant, the primary criteria will be the extent to which the proposal will benefit the pre-school child in his/her growth
  • Successful applicants must return an evaluation of their experience to the Shelter Island Educational Foundation within three weeks of completion of the project
  • Recipients are responsible for a presentation at the Grants Award Celebration and SIEF annual meeting in November 2021

How to support SIEF

The Shelter Island Educational Foundation is supported entirely by donations; all work is conducted by volunteers. You can donate online or send a check to PO Box 1950, Shelter Island NY 11964. SIEF accepts:

  • Matching gifts from employers
  • Securities
  • Planned gifts or bequests
  • Designation as a life insurance beneficiary
  • Underwriting for specific projects or programs
  • Tribute gifts to honor a loved one or favorite teacher, administrator, or classmate
  • Donations of your professional services

Gifts are tax-deductible to the maximum amount allowed by law and may offer personal financial planning advantages, such as estate benefits and a reduction in capital gains taxes, SIEF says.

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