Mashomack celebrates 40 Years

Mashomack Preserve is celebrating 40 years of connecting people, nature, and community. A special benefit — virtual, of course — is planned for Tuesday, July 21 from 5 to 6 PM.

“Our annual benefit takes a different form this year—but we can still be together in spirit by showing our love and support for nature at this virtual celebration of Mashomack Preserve,” the organizers say.

Shelter Island supporters have been partners in protecting the 2,039-acre preserve that makes up about one-quarter of the Island. This year, the virtual benefit asks supporters to celebrate the research, education, and inspiration at Mashomack.

Mashomack Preserve Director Jeremy Samuelson told the Gazette the organizers hope to raise about the same as in past benefits on the lawn at Bass Creek Cottage typically attended by 375 to 425 people.

The ambitious mission at Mashomack Preserve is to conserve the complex and pristine ecosystems within the property, which has come to be known as “The Jewel of the Peconic”.

Although Mashomack canceled all programs and events during the COVID-19 shutdown, it extended hours at the Preserve so that people had a place to go where they could maintain social distancing while enjoying nature.

“The interesting thing that has defined this moment is the core mission,” Samuelson said. “It is very clear to me with regards to mission that ours is to preserve Mashomack as a place for people to go on their own for their own reasons to enjoy and be with nature.”

Fox in the Mashomack Road leading to Manor house
Charles Gleberman photo for The Nature Conservancy | A fox in the road at Mashomack Preserve

Benefit Details

Mashomack Preserve will email supporters a Zoom link so they can tune into the virtual benefit from the comfort of their own homes. Find details on the Mashomack Preserve page of The Nature Conservancy’s website.

Donations will fund continued operations and conservation and are 100 percent tax-deductible.

About Mashomack Preserve

Mashomack Preserve is considered one of the richest habitats in the Northeast. Girdled by 11 miles of shoreline, Mashomack Preserve is 2,039 acres of interlacing tidal creeks, mature oak woodlands, fields, and freshwater marshes.

While access to Mashomack is free, The Nature Conservancy suggests donations of $3 per adult and $2 per child to preserve the place for future generations. Trails are open from 8 AM to 6 PM daily. Please note, the public restrooms and Visitors Center are closed.