Three ways to help plan for the Town’s future

The Comprehensive Plan Task Force invites Islanders to take part in three ways to help plan for the Town’s future: complete a quick survey, review a draft of its “Shelter Island 2020 Profile” and participate in one or two visioning workshops.

Town Councilmen Mike Bebon and Albert Dickson serve on the task force, along with Island resident Edward Hindin, who is volunteer project manager for the Comprehensive Plan Update. They’re working with hired consultants from Dodson & Flinker and an appointed committee of 12 Island residents to review previous versions of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and shape an update to present to the Town Board.

Help plan for the Island’s future

“These events mark the beginning of the second phase of the planning process aimed at creating a shared vision for Shelter Island in 2030 and defining the actions and investments needed to achieve that vision,” the task force says.

Town Supervisor Gerry Siller says community involvement is critical to the plan’s success.

“Islanders are encouraged to read and comment on the Shelter Island 2020 profile and to contribute their knowledge and experience by participating in the upcoming survey and workshops,” he said. “We want this to be the community’s plan.” 


Anyone who lives, works or plays on Shelter Island is welcome to take part in the survey available in English and Spanish at the Town website, Paper copies are available at Town Hall, the Shelter Island Public Library and several local businesses.

“The survey solicits opinions on what Islanders like about life on the Island, what’s important to Islanders now and in the future, and what changes should be made in the future,” task force said a news release. “The survey has 18 questions and can be completed on line in less than 10 minutes.”

Shelter Island 2020 report

The draft report “Shelter Island 2020” presents a profile of existing conditions affecting life on the Island. You can read it online or find a hard copy at the library. Use the online for to provide feedback, or send remarks in writing to the task force c/o Comprehensive Plan Task Force, c/o Town Hall, PO Box xxx, Shelter Island NY 11964.

“This document establishes the baseline for future planning and marks the end of the first phase of the planning process,” the task force says.

Visioning workshops

Public visioning workshops are planned for March 18 and April 22 from 6 to 8 PM on Zoom.

In the first workshop is focused on SWOTCI — a planning acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges and Imperatives. The goal is to “identify the Island’s strengths and weaknesses, and discuss opportunities and threats posed by ongoing local, regional, and global trends, and identify the most important challenges and imperatives that must be addressed,” the task force says. Find login details on the Town website starting March 12.

The second workshop will explore alternatives for the future; identifying how the Town might change by 2030 if current trends continue, what might happen if the town does nothing to change course, and what alternatives for a more desirable future should be considered. Find login details on the Town website starting April 16.

Other ways to be involved

The task force plans additional initiatives to gather opinion and insights from community and business groups over the next several months as additional elements of the Plan Update are completed. 

You can leave a comment for the task force using this online comment box, which also serves as a way to sign up for email updates.

Questions? Find more information about the Comprehensive Plan update on its page on the Town’s website, or contact Hindin at

To read our coverage of Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee meetings follow these links: