School: Free childcare for essential service workers

The Shelter Island Union Free School District is offering free childcare for essential service workers, the Emergency Management Team announced at its Town Hall briefing on Friday.

Individuals providing essential services who need or foresee a need for childcare can contact the school district at 631-749-0302 or There will be no cost for the service which will be offered 8AM to 3PM weekdays at the school.

School response

School Superintendent Dr. Brian Doelger also recapped what has been done to provide services to students now that schools are closed. He listed these accomplishments:

  • Delivering meals to 70 students who qualify for free and reduced priced meals
  • Making 200 deliveries of iPads, Chrome books and other essentials for distance learning
  • Ensuring internet connections for every student in the district
  • Responding quickly to hundreds of tech inquiries as distance learning rolled out
  • Meeting all special education needs
  • Supporting the social and emotional needs of students and their families [click here for the Family Resources packet]

“The only way we were able to accomplish this is is because I can tell you that the Shelter Island School has one of the finest, most accomplished and professional staffs you could find,” Dr. Doelger said.

If you have questions, he said, please contact

Don’t let schoolwork add to the stress at home

“To the parents at home — and I’ve heard a lot of this and I think it’s all very natural — try not to stress this, the work part,” Dr. Doelger said. “We have enough going on that I think you have worry about that we don’t want the schoolwork to become an additional stress to that.”

“We are all working to figure this out together,” he saiid. “If you cannot complete everything at this time, do not worry about and do not have your kids worry about it.”

Who qualifies for free childcare?

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced Friday that all non-essential businesses must close in order to support social distancing measures aimed at reducing the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The offer of free childcare is an effort to support essential service providers who must continue to report to work, Dr. Doelger said. The offer applies to:

  • first responders
  • essential health care workers (doctors, nurses, MPs, PAs, and more)
  • direct support professionals (psychologists, social workers)
  • food manufacturing employees, including supermarket workers
  • transportation workers, such as truck drivers who deliver essential supplies

“Basically, if you are a parent who needs childcare and you are an essential employee to the response of this crisis, you’ll be able to use the daycare at our school … at no cost to you,” Dr. Doelger said.

Send inquiries to

Dr. Doelger thanked all members of the extended school community, including students, parents/guardians, faculty, staff and support workers.

“In such tough times you are all really shining through,” he said. “We are all going to make it through this together and be stronger for it.”