Police blotter for September 7 to 13

Atop the police blotter for September 7 to 13 are five traffic tickets, one marine violation, and a Town summons for amplified music.

[Editor’s note: We’ve reformatted and reissued our SIPD blotter posts as part of a system upgrade]


Police officers stopped and ticketed these drivers as follows:

  • Janette C. Stevens of East Setauket on Tuesday, September 7 around 4:38 PM on New York Avenue for speeding 39 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone
  • Richard K. Rubinoff of Palm Beach on Tuesday, September 7 around 6:04 PM on North Carthwright Avenue for speeding 52 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone
  • Edmond D. Franco of Manhattan on Sunday, September 12 around 12:55 PM on South Ferry Road for operating a motor vehicle while using a portable electronic device
  • Isabelle Do of Maplewood, NJ on Sunday, September 12 around 2:05 PM on New York Avenue for speeding 40 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone
  • Brian Weslek of Shelter Island on Monday, September 13 around 1:15 PM on West Neck Road for speeding 51 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone, and operating a motor vehicle while registration suspended/revoked

And on September 12 around 8:30 AM, a bay constable stopped Rudi Arriaza of Brentwood in the Section 9 area and ticketed him for operating an unregistered vessel and issued verbal warnings for failure to have: a throwable device, visual distress signal, sounding device, and fire extinguisher.

Additionally, an officer issued a Town Code violation to:

  • Adrien Alain Angelvy of Miami on Saturday, September 11 around 11:54 PM at Sunset Beach for violation of the Town’s noise ordinance

Officers also issued five verbal warnings to drivers during traffic stops.

Detailed police blotter for September 7 to 13

Note: This post is based on information provided by the Shelter Island Police Department. Those named have not been convicted of a crime, and charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found not guilty.

Tuesday, September 7

An officer conducted STOP DWI enforcement overnight but observed minimal traffic and found no violations. In the morning, an officer conducted radar enforcement in the Center and issued two verbal warnings to drivers.

A passerby reported a smell of fuel oil at West Neck Road and Behringer Lane; the responding officer observed the same but found no source. In addition, no deliveries had taken place at nearby residences.

A caller reported an injured fawn on a Center roadway; before an Animal Control Officer (ACO) could get to the scene, a North Fork Animal Hospital veterinarian arrived and took the animal to the facility for examination.

A Center caller reported several items taken from the roadside in front of her residence. Use of a smoker grill at a Center home prompted calls about a possible fire.

Wednesday, September 8

A volunteer Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team (SIEMS) responded and transported an aided case to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital for medical attention.

A Center caller reported she forgot to deactivate an alarm when entering a workplace. An officer assisted a person who’d fallen at home but wasn’t injured. A service provider delivering fuel accidentally tripped an alarm.

In the West Neck area, a caller reported a traffic hazard at a construction site; the responding officer spoke with the project manager, who agreed to set out cones during subsequent deliveries.

Watching her home from afar via a Ring doorbell system, a Montclair caller reported a stranger in her backyard; the responding officer found the homeowner had hired the man to conduct environmental impact assessments for permits.

Thursday, September 9

Around 3 AM, a caller reported a man yelling in the Center; the responding officer spoke to the man who went inside the home. Just before 5 AM, SIEMS responded and transported an aided case to SB/ELIH for further medical attention.

A Hay Beach caller reported a sick raccoon; an ACO captured and transported it to a vet for humane euthanasia. In the Center, a caller reported possible trespassing. A Center caller reported a company’s employees removing items from his property.

Friday, September 10

In South Ferry Hills, a woman walking a dog at 6 AM reported a suspicious person hanging around a residence. The responding officer spoke with the man who said he was supposed to be picking up people but believes they sent him the wrong address. So he would wait in the parking area until they made contact.

Officers participated in a September 11th memorial. A Center caller reported a sick raccoon; the responding ACO determined the raccoon to be healthy and let it be.

A Town employee requested information regarding the enforcement end date for Town parking; the responding officer said enforcement ends on September 15.

A motion detector triggered a burglary alarm in the Center; officers confirmed all doors and windows were secure. A Center caller reported a sick raccoon; an ACO searched the area unsuccessfully.

A boat owner wanted to report a marine accident that happened in August; he’d tried to work out a damages agreement with the other party privately but wasn’t successful. The responding officer said he’d missed the 10-day deadline to file an accident report, but a bay constable would follow up.

SIPD followed up on a trapped deer report, but the animal was gone. A Dering Harbor caller reported a pothole on Manhasset Road; SIPD marked the hazard. Around 10:45 PM, a resident accidentally pressed her medical alert button. An officer helped a locked-out homeowner gain entry through a bathroom window.

Saturday, September 11

Shortly after midnight, SIPD responded to a domestic dispute in the Center. A bit later, an officer responded to reports of fireworks (or gunshots) in the Silver Beach area but observed nothing amiss.

A caller reported losing a wallet. A passerby reported a car on fire on New York Avenue; the volunteer Shelter Island Fire Department responded and extinguished the blaze. The drive escaped unharmed, and Liberty Towing removed the damaged vehicle.

An officer warned a JetSki operator to reduce speed and avoid marked swim areas. A Center caller reported a sick raccoon; an ACO located the animal but found it healthy with a slight limp. Later, a caller reported a squirrel trapped in a woodstove; before the ACO arrived, the squirrel escaped up the stove pipe. The ACO advised the caller to cap the chimney.

A marine unit responded to a Southold PD report of a beached vessel in the West Neck area. The officer contacted the owner and helped remove the boat from the beach. A Center caller reported suspicious activity and requested additional patrols.

Around 5:30 PM, loud music coming from a boat at anchor in Coecles Harbor off Mashomack prompted a complaint. A bay constable responded and asked the vessel operator to keep the volume down to avoid disturbing others.

Later, after multiple complaints of loud music at Sunset Beach Hotel and Restaurant, an officer issued a verbal warning for violating Town Code governing amplified sound. As a result, the event organizer agreed to turn down the volume. Following another complaint near midnight, an officer returned and issued a summons to the DJ.

Sunday, September 12

Just after midnight, SIEMS responded and transported an aided case to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH) for further observation. Around 6:30 AM, a Center caller reported someone sleeping in a roadway; an officer interviewed the man, who had no apparent injuries and left the location under his own power.

An officer conducted Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) patrol at Hiberry Lane, where six people were fishing around 8 AM, and observed no violations. At Little Ram Island, Section 9, an ECL found no violations, but the officer conducted a vessel inspection that resulted in a ticket and warnings (see details above).

A Hay Beach caller found a machete on the beach; an officer retrieved it and placed it
into the property locker for safekeeping. A Center caller reported a possible scam letter.

A Hay Beach caller reported a sick raccoon; an ACO captured and transported it to a vet for humane euthanasia. Later, another Hay Beach caller reported another sick raccoon that had to be euthanized. A Traffic Control Officer spotted a knocked-down stop sign, determined it had been hit by a vehicle and transported it to the Shelter Island Highway Department for repairs.

In the Westmoreland area, a caller complained that people allowed their dogs to urinate on his property. The responding officer contacted one of the dog owners, who agreed not to walk dogs on his side of the road to avoid future conflicts.

Monday, September 13

Just after 1 AM, an officer helped a person accidentally locked out of a residence. An officer conducted radar enforcement in the Heights and observed no violations. The SIPD Detective/Sergeant reviewed, completed, and submitted monthly validation reports to the New York Criminal Justice Information System.

A caller requested a well-being check; the responding officer found the person at home, but without a working phone, and assisted her in repairing the phone. A Hay Beach caller reported damage to a split rail fence. Another caller reported a storage unit padlock had been cut.

A Cartwright caller reported new information in an ongoing property dispute.

To learn more about the Shelter Island Police Department, visit its website, shelterislandtown.us/shelter-island-police-department. To report an emergency, dial 911 and provide details to the dispatcher. For non-emergency calls, reach SIPD directly at 631-749-0600. Send mail to PO Box 1056, Shelter Island NY 11964.

If you wish to register a compliment or complaint about the SIPD or one of its officers, you can find the complaint policy here and the compliment/complaint form in English at this link. While you may file a compliment or complaint anonymously, doing so means you lose the opportunity to be contacted for more information or to learn of actions taken related to your compliment or complaint. You may also submit compliments/complaints to a member of the Town Board; they serve as Shelter Island’s Police Commissioners. Report complaints of a criminal nature to the Town Attorney (631-749-0027) or the Suffolk County District Attorney (631-853-4161).

Si desea registrar un cumplido o una queja sobre el SIPD o uno de sus funcionarios, puede encontrar la política de quejas aquí y el formulario para cumplidos/quejas en español en este enlace. Si bien puede presentar un cumplido o una queja de forma anónima, hacerlo significa que pierde la oportunidad de ser contactado para obtener más información o conocer las acciones tomadas relacionadas con su cumplido o queja. Los cumplidos/quejas también se pueden enviar a los miembros de la Junta del Pueblo, quienes sirven como Comisionados de Policía de Shelter Island. Las quejas de naturaleza penal pueden presentarse al Fiscal Municipal (631-749-0027) o al Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Suffolk (631-853-4161).