Police blotter for March 28 to April 3

An accident due to icy road conditions tops the Shelter Island police blotter for March 28 to April 3.

Jose A. Rivera Ganuza of East Marion reported to SIPD on Monday, March 28 that he was backing into a parking space at 62 North Ferry Road when his vehicle slipped on ice causing damage to a parked, unoccupied vehicle owned by Jose Miranda Calderon of Shelter Island. The damage estimated exceeds $1,000.

Officers stopped and ticketed these drivers as follows:

  • William P. Bucci of Southold on Wednesday, March 30 around 1:57 PM on South Ferry Road for operating a motor vehicle while using a portable electronic device
  • Timothy A. Latorre of Shelter Island on Thursday, March 31 around 9:15 AM on North Ferry Road for failure to yield right of way at a stop sign, and driving an uninspected motor vehicle
  • Timothy J. Tiernan of Shelter Island on Friday, April 1 around 9:49 AM on North Ferry Road for driving an unregistered motor vehicle
  • Hugo Rene Veliz Catalan of Greenport on Saturday, April 2 around 1:46 PM for visibility distorted by broken glass, driving an uninspected motor vehicle. and being an unlicensed operator

Officers issued seven verbal warnings to drivers in traffic stops.

Detailed police blotter for March 28 to April 3

Note: This post is based on information provided by the Shelter Island Police Department. Those named have not been convicted of a crime, and charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found not guilty.

Monday, March 28

Around 5:30 AM, SIPD notified the Town, Heights, and Village of Dering Harbor highway departments of slippery road conditions. An officer reported for morning and afternoon school crossing duty throughout the school week. An officer reported to Shelter Island Justice Court for court duty.

Around 3 PM, an alarm sounded at a Center residence; the responding officer found no sign of criminality and notified the owner. A person accidentally dialed 911. SIPD received information from a caller.

Tuesday, March 29

The caretaker at a Ram Island residence called off the SIPD response after tripping a burglary alarm by removing the device batteries.

An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Center and observed no violations. A passerby reported a speeding truck on South Ferry Road. A woman reported an item missing.

Wednesday, March 30

An officer completed NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services accreditation training. Around 4:30 PM, Shelter Island Fire Department volunteers responded to an alarm at a Hay Beach residence; there was no emergency and it wasn’t clear why the system activated.

SIPD officers took part in mental health first aid training in Riverhead. An officer escorted a person to an Island residence.

Thursday, March 31

An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Center and observed no violations. SIPD processed eJustice validations. An officer assisted a driver locked out of a vehicle.

Around 10:20 PM, SIPD notified a caller to refrain from contacting the police unless there is an emergency.

Friday, April 1

SIPD completed and submitted quarterly evidence reports as required by NYS. A Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team (SIEMS) transported an aided case to Klenawicus Airfield for medevac by Suffolk County PD helicopter to Stony Brook University Hospital (SB/UH).

A passerby reported a possibly intoxicated driver disembarking from a South Ferry vessel; the responding officer canvassed the area with negative results. SIEMS transported an aided case to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH).
SIPD was investigating a possible financial crime.

SIEMS transported an aided case to Klenawicus Airfield for SCPD transport to SB/UH. A person arrived at SIPD HQ and reported a non-violent domestic incident. A Center caller requested extra patrols.

Saturday, April 2

Around 1:10 AM, SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH.

Later that day, officers conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Center and radar enforcement in the Heights and reported no violations.

Officers assisted Westhampton Beach PD with St. Patrick’s Parade detail. Just before 7 PM, burning food triggered a smoke alarm at a Silver Beach residence; the owner tried to cancel the alarm but didn’t have the right passcode and SIFD arrived to officially determine there was no emergency.

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH. A caller reported seeing someone in his yard late a night; the responding officer searched the area with negative results.

Sunday, April 3

Officers attended Suffolk County PD active shooter training hosted by Southampton Town PD. Around 10:30 PM, a Heights caller reported a person walking in a roadway; the responding officer located the person, who was standing off the roadway at their own residence.

To learn more about the Shelter Island Police Department, visit its website, shelterislandtown.us/shelter-island-police-department. To report an emergency, dial 911 and provide details to the dispatcher. For non-emergency calls, reach SIPD directly at 631-749-0600. Send mail to PO Box 1056, Shelter Island NY 11964.

If you wish to register a compliment or complaint about the SIPD or one of its officers, you can find the complaint policy here and the compliment/complaint form in English at this link. While you may file a compliment or complaint anonymously, doing so means you lose the opportunity to be contacted for more information or to learn of actions taken related to your compliment or complaint. You may also submit compliments/complaints to a member of the Town Board; they serve as Shelter Island’s Police Commissioners. Report complaints of a criminal nature to the Town Attorney (631-749-0027) or the Suffolk County District Attorney (631-853-4161).

Si desea registrar un cumplido o una queja sobre el SIPD o uno de sus funcionarios, puede encontrar la política de quejas aquí y el formulario para cumplidos/quejas en español en este enlace. Si bien puede presentar un cumplido o una queja de forma anónima, hacerlo significa que pierde la oportunidad de ser contactado para obtener más información o conocer las acciones tomadas relacionadas con su cumplido o queja. Los cumplidos/quejas también se pueden enviar a los miembros de la Junta del Pueblo, quienes sirven como Comisionados de Policía de Shelter Island. Las quejas de naturaleza penal pueden presentarse al Fiscal Municipal (631-749-0027) o al Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Suffolk (631-853-4161).