Essential workers must wear masks

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo updated an executive order relating to COVID-19 precautions to say that essential workers must wear masks when in direct contact with customers or members of the public.

What’s more, employers must provide masks at their own expense to their employees.

If any essential business on Shelter Island is in need of masks to meet this directive, contact us at and we will help connect you to people on the Island who are making masks.

Here’s the text of the governor’s executive order, which goes into effect at 8PM tonight:

“For all essential businesses or entities, any employees who are present in the workplace shall be provided and shall wear face coverings when in direct contact with customers or members of the public. Businesses must provide, at their expense, such face coverings for their employees. This provision may be enforced by local governments or local law enforcement as if it were an order pursuant to section 12 or 12-b of the Public Health Law.”

PPE: using it correctly

It is important that anyone using personal protective equipment (PPE) understand the purpose of the equipment and how to use it correctly.

Homemade masks and other cloth face coverings are not intended to prevent the wearer from being exposed to the novel coronavirus, health officials say. Instead, they’re meant to prevent the spread of the virus by people who are unaware that they may have been exposed.

Read more about correctly using PPE in this Gazette post.