Town to recent NYC arrivals: self-quarantine

The Town of Shelter Island on Wednesday notified residents that anyone who had recently arrived from New York City must self-quarantine for at least 14 days.

The decision followed news that confirmed COVID-19 cases in Suffolk County had risen to 2,260, with 20 deaths reported. There are two confirmed cases in Shelter Island.

The Town said the requirement, issued in a news release early Wednesday evening, is based on a recommendation posited Tuesday by Deborah Birx, response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

“We remain deeply concerned about New York City and the New York metro area,” she said during a Tuesday briefing at the White House. “To everyone who has left New York over the last few days: Because of the rate of the number of cases, you may have been exposed before you left New York.”

“We are starting to see new cases across Long Island,” she said, noting that quarantine should be retroactive to the date a person left the city.

Cuomo says no

When asked Wednesday morning whether he would follow Dr. Birx’s recommendation, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said he would not. “I’m going to quarantine in New York State.”

Cuomo responded when questioned by a reporter during his Wednesday briefing in Albany. He’d just returned from New York City where he checked on construction of a temporary hospital at the Jacob Javits Convention Center.

New York State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, who also appeared at the briefing, said New Yorkers should follow the CDC guidance on social distancing, which he said did not, at the time, include any mention of special guidance for those visiting New York City. “This is beyond New York.”

“We’re not commenting on the governor,” said Shelter Island Police Detective Sergeant Jack Thilberg, in his capacity as information officer for the Town’s emergency response team.

“We feel this is a safe and reasonable practice in the interest of public health and safety,” said in a telephone interview from his home Wednesday evening, where he has been in quarantine for two weeks after returning from a trip abroad.

Island’s New York City connection

In the Town of Shelter Island, about half the homes are second residences including many owned by people who live in New York City. Some have recently returned to their Island homes, the Town acknowledged in its release.

“Shelter Island is a special place, most evident during times of crisis and concern,” the town said in its news release. “We live as a large family and take care of one another, and those in need. 

[Editor’s note: bold emphasis throughout is from the original document]

“We welcome your return and extend a warm greeting. If you have come to Shelter Island from New York City, we require you to self quarantine for at least 14 days upon you arrival.”

In addition to citing Dr. Birx, the Town said that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, also supported the recommendation.

“This precaution is necessary given the high rate of infections in the nation’s most populous city,” the Town release said.

Stay home, we will assist you

“If you have any needs, stay home, we will assist you,” the release said. “We are putting up a list on our website, Facebook, and Channel 22 of businesses that do home delivery and other resources to assist you.”

“We have a program as well that delivers for Seniors, if you are 60 or above. You must quarantine in the interest of Public Health and Safety.

You came here to be safe, you need to help keep it safe!

The Town said anyone with questions can call Town Hall at 631-749-0015 or email the Town at

Southold and Southampton weigh in

Southold Supervisor Scott Russell posted this notice Wednesday afternoon:

“I am joining Southampton Supervisor Jay Schneiderman in requesting that Governor Cuomo put a travel ban to the East End in place limiting travel to only essential personnel. Our resources are scarce, the risk of spread is too high for a Town which is already seeing more than its share of confirmed cases and deaths. Southold should NOT be treated as someone’s personal isolation unit.”

“For those who already have come here, follow federal guidelines to self-quarantine for 14 days. It is essential to avoid public exposure to others at all costs and they need to stay in place.”

“This Town is in a crisis. It is bound to get worse and sometimes draconian measures are necessary. A travel ban is one of those measures. For others who have decided to use Southold as a shelter, respect this community and stay inside.”

In Southampton, Supervisor Jay Schneiderman posted this notice on Facebook:

“The CDC Strongly Recommends Travelers leaving New York City Self Quarantine for 14 Days. Travelers leaving the New York metro area should self-quarantine for 14 days to make sure they are not passing on the coronavirus. The recommended quarantine applies to all traveler with or without symptoms.”