Town: Wear a mask to prevent COVID-19 spread

The Town of Shelter Island on Friday announced that anyone entering an essential business must wear a mask to help prevent COVID-19 from spreading.

Health officials say such masks do not protect the wearer from exposure to the novel coronavirus, but may help prevent those who have the virus but are asymptomatic from spreading it unawares.

“The Town of Shelter Island is pleased to announce full corporation will all Island essential businesses, to require anyone entering into the business, must have a mask on covering their mouth and nose, and to enforce required social distance practices,” the Town said in a news release Friday.

Notices are being posted on the doors of all essential businesses, including restaurants, hardware stores, the IGA, the pharmacy, gas station and more.

Only 5 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the Town. But the rate of spread throughout Suffolk County continues unabated, officials say, and there is a lag in reporting . This may be especially true in places like Shelter Island where a post office box serves as a primary address. And, where positive test results of people staying here are reported to their primary off-Island address.

Anyone staying on Shelter Island is advised to contact local officials to notify them of a positive test result so that local first responders can take proper precautions should a member of the household require emergency assistance. Anyone arriving on Shelter Island from anywhere else is asked to self-quarantine for 14 days.

“The town remains committed with Island businesses to provide the safest environment we can for all of our safety and health,” said the release from public information officer Jack H. Thilberg, detective sergeant with the Shelter Island Police Department. 

While wearing a mask is important to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, wearing it correctly is even more important. Find out how to correctly use masks, and other personal protective equipment, in this Gazette Post.

If you need a mask, the Shelter Island Gazette has limited quantities of homemade masks available. Please contact and put “Masks” in the subject line.