Town declares snow emergency; school kids get ‘traditional’ snow day

In advance of Friday’s anticipated storm, the Town Supervisor declared a snow emergency, and the Superintendent of Schools said kids would have a “traditional” snow day, meaning no distance learning.

Supervisor Gerry Siller said the snow emergency is from midnight to noon on Friday and extended if necessary. This means:

  1. No parking is permitted on either side of any roadway
  2. As they deem necessary, the Superintendent of Highways or Chief of Police may designate
    and declare certain highways and roads closed to vehicular travel except for emergency services
    and snow removal vehicles
  3. That all Town of Shelter Island Departments take whatever steps are necessary to protect life
    and property, and public infrastructure, and to perform other such emergency assistance as
    deemed necessary

In a robocall to school families, Dr. Brian Doelger told students: “Your only assignment is to get outside and have some fun. Please take advantage of it and really enjoy the weather. Video games will still be there tomorrow!”

Any future snow day will be a virtual day of learning, he said.

“This is a new rule for NYS schools. We used to have to take away days from the winter breaks, but now we are able to ‘go virtual’ and keep the future vacation days.”

Winter storm warning

The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for our area from midnight Friday through noon. Here are the details:

  • WHAT, Heavy snow expected with accumulations of 5 to 7 inches
  • WHERE, Portions of southern Connecticut and southeast New York
  • WHEN, From midnight to noon
  • IMPACTS, Travel will be difficult with hazardous conditions during the morning commute PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS, If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency.

Stay safe!