Town Board meeting July 10, 2020

The Town Board of Shelter Island met Friday, July 10 via Zoom. Here is a synopsis (details follow in draft minutes below):

The Board set public hearings for Friday, July 31: Shelter Island Senior Services, COVID-19 related expenses, 4:40 PM; Robert Waife, to install a mooring, 4:42 PM; Charles Spooner, to install a mooring, 4:44 PM; Ari and Margarita Benacerraf, to replace a bulkhead, 4:46 PM; 58 Tuthill Drive LLC, to install a new dock, 4:48 PM; and, Rob Bannon, to install a mooring, 4:50 PM.

The Board awarded to Costello Marine Contracting Corp. its bid to reconstruct the Town-owned bulkhead at Ian’s Lane and Grace’s Lane at a total cost of $351,900. It authorized payments of $417.58 and $417.59 to Carr Business Systems of Atlanta to maintain copiers, as well as payments of audited claims. It allowed the Commissioner of Public Works to seek bids to replace 10 windows at the American Legion Hall/Youth Center.

The Board appointed John Reilly to the Conservation Advisory Concil and reappointed:

  • Donald P. D’Amato and Penelope Kerr, Green Options Committee
  • Lynne Colligan, Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Peder Larsen and Paulette Von Vranken, Conservation Advisory Council
  • Beverlea Walz, Colonial & Native American Graves Protection Committee
  • James Bevilacqua and Scott R. Campbell, Deer & Tick Committee

The Board created a new ad hoc Fresh Pond Study Committee and appointed these members: Peter Grand (chairman), Deb Grayson, Jerri Mayer and James Eklund, to serve for two-year terms ending July 31, 2022.

It also held public hearings to receive comments on a mooring application from Daniel R. Ferrara of 29 Winthrop Road; and an application for a mooring, and stake, mooring and pulley system from The Nature Conservancy — both were awarded by board action at the close of the hearings. The Board also reconvened, and left open, a public hearing on alterations to the Town Code relating to parking along Bootlegger’s Alley.

July 10, 2020 DRAFT minutes

Below is a DRAFT of the minutes of that meeting, as provided by the Town Clerk’s office:

The regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Shelter Island was held via Zoom, on the 10th day of July, 2020. Town Board members present were Supervisor Gerard F. Siller, Councilmen James T. Colligan, and Michael J. Bebon, and Councilwoman Amber Brach-Wil- liams. Councilman Albert Dickson was absent. Town Attorney Robert J. DeStefano, Jr., Town Clerk Dorothy S. Ogar, Deputy Town Clerk Sharon O. Jacobs and four persons were also present. The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 4:50 PM and led the salute to the flag. 

The Supervisor made the following announcement: 

This is the July 10, 2020 scheduled meeting of the Shelter Island Town Board, and, for the record, we do have a quorum present. The notice of the meeting followed the Open Meetings Law as amended by Executive Order 202.1 allowing meetings to take place telephonically or through other similar services. We will be using Zoom and will be recording the entirety of the meeting, which will be available upon request at Town Hall. Additionally, we will be following the voting protocol used by the Suffolk County Legislature at its March 17, 2020 meeting. 

All voting on Board actions and resolutions will be done via a roll call, and we ask that all Board Members clearly state their name when making a motion and clearly state their vote when their name is called. As per Executive Order 202.1, there will be no public physically present at this meeting. The web link to view the meeting has been publicized, and members of the public have the ability to listen to and view the meeting. 

The Supervisor presented the following financial report for the month of May, 2020:

Recap of monthly statements for May 2020

Gen. Checking 4,886,476.10 2,354,354.60 854,039.06 6,386,791.64 809,164.95 
Hwy Checking 2,180,561.49 8,018.85 255,336.22 1,933,244.12 
T&AChecking 526,069.49 4,450,033.06 4,435,052.71 541,049.84 10,507.42 
T&A Savings 12,235.51 0.29 0.00 12,235.80 
Hwy Cap Res 326,478.02 7.78 0.00 326,485.80 
WNW Supply 22,893.60 2,102.57 4,887.83 20,108.34 154,122.65 
Taylor’s Island 44,109.83 1.86 0.00 44,111.69 
Comm Preserv 890,535.67 48,142.85 2,620.00 936,058.52 5,899,242.63 
Waterways 289,453.10 10,395.00 0.00 299,848.10 
Reserve Fund 2,286,601.41 0.00 0.00 2,286,601.41 
Bridge St Esc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 371,018.34 
Environmental 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,673.97 
FIT Ctr Reserv 20,045.25 0.00 0.00 20,045.25 
Ambul Reserv 232,386.43 1.95 0.00 232,388.38 
Ambul Train 24,474.85 0.58 0.00 24,475.43 
TOTALS 11,742,320.75 6,873,059.39 5,551,935.82 13,063,444.32 7,249,729.96 
Chart provided by the Town Clerk’s office


A role call vote was held for each of the following resolutions and Councilwoman Brach-Williams, Councilmen Colligan and Bebon, and Supervisor Siller all voted aye. The resolutions were thereupon declared duly adopted. 

RESOLUTION NO. 277 — Robert Waife, mooring public hearing

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: “Whereas”, JBH of Peconic, Inc., aka Robert Waife, 9 North Ferry Road, has petitioned the Town of Shelter Island for permission to install a private mooring in West Neck Creek off Daniel Lord Road at a location designated as 41.067649° North and 72.353859° West; said mooring location was formerly occupied by the W-0290 Armstrong mooring, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 90-5 of the Code of the Town of Shelter Island, a public hearing will be held at 4:42 p. m., prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the proposed installation 

RESOLUTION NO. 278 — Charles Spooner, mooring public hearing

Councilman Colligan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Supervisor Siller, to wit: “Whereas”, Charles Spooner, 29E Osprey Road, has petitioned the Town of Shelter Island for permission to install a mooring in Dering Harbor at a location designated as 41.08747 north and 72.34544° west; said mooring location was formerly occupied by the D-2310 Waife mooring, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 90-5 of the Code of the Town of Shelter Island, a public hearing will be held at 4:44 p. m., prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the proposed installation. 

RESOLUTION NO. 279 — Ari and Margarita Benacerraf, bulkhead replacement, public hearing

Supervisor Siller offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bebon, to wit: “Whereas”, Ari J. and Margarita Benacerraf, 8 Harbor Lane, Dering Harbor, have petitioned the Town of Shelter Island for permission to remove and replace approximately 287 linear feet of existing timber bulkhead and/or concrete seawall (in-place and up to +/- 8 inches higher) with vinyl bulkhead, construct +/- 12’ of vinyl return, backfill with approximately 40 cubic yards of clean sandy fill to be trucked in from an approved upland source, and replant as needed any disturbed portions of naturally vegetated embankment with native vegetation, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 53-9 of the Code of the Town of Shelter Island, a public hearing will be held at 4:46 p. m., prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the proposed construction. 

RESOLUTION NO. 280 — 58 Tuthill Drive, new dock, public hearing

Councilman Bebon offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Brach-Williams, to wit: “Whereas”, 58 Tuthill Drive SI, LLC, c/o Brian Carroll, 58 Tuthill Drive, has petitioned the Town of Shelter Island for permission to construct new 5′ by 110′ dock, install one ladder and two 10″ diameter mooring piling, construct a three foot wide crossover stairs for pedestrian access, and repair existing offshore platform/dock as needed in Shanty Bay of Coecles Harbor, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 53-9 of the Code of the Town of Shelter Island, a public hearing will be held at 4:48 p. m., prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the proposed construction. 

RESOLUTION NO. 281— Rob Bannon, mooring, public hearing

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: “Whereas”, Rob Bannon, 27 Sunnyside Avenue, has petitioned the Town of Shelter Island for permission to install a mooring in Dering Harbor at a location designated as latitude 41.08608° north and 72.34453° west; said mooring location was formerly occupied by the Heiman D-3130 mooring, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 90-5 of the Code of the Town of Shelter Island, a public hearing will be held at 4:50 PM, prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the proposed installation. 

RESOLUTION NO. 282 — Reappointment of Penelope Kerr to Green Options Committee

Councilman Colligan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Brach-Williams, to wit: “Whereas”, the term of Penelope Kerr as a member of the Green Options Advisory Committee expired on May 10, 2020, and “Whereas”, Mrs. Kerr has expressed her interest to continue to serve the Town in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That Penelope Kerr is hereby re-appointed to serve as a member of the Green Options Advisory Committee for a term to expire on May 10, 2023.

RESOLUTION NO. 283 — Reappointment of Lynne Colligan to Zoning Board of Appeals

Supervisor Siller offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bebon, to wit: “Whereas”, the term of Lynne Colligan as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals expired on July 8, 2020, and “Whereas”, Lynne Colligan has expressed her willingness to continue to serve the Town in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That Lynne Colligan is hereby reappointed to serve as member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term to expire on July 8, 2025.

RESOLUTION NO. 284 — Reappointment of Donald D’Amato to Green Options Committee

Councilman Bebon offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Brach-Williams, to wit: “Whereas”, the term of Donald D. D’Amato as a member of the Green Options Advisory Committee expired on May 11, 2020, and “Whereas”, Mr. D’Amato has expressed his willingness to continue to serve the Town in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That Donald D. D’Amato is hereby reappointed to serve as a member of the Green Options Advisory Committee for a term to expire on May 11, 2023.

RESOLUTION NO. 285 — Reappointment of Peder Larsen to Conservation Advisory Council

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: “Whereas”, the term of Peder Larsen as a member of the Conservation Advisory Council will expire on September 20, 2020, and “Whereas”, Peder Larsen has expressed his willingness to continue to serve the Town of Shelter Island in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That Peder Larsen is hereby re-appointed to serve as a member of the Conservation Advisory Council for a term to expire on September 20, 2023. 

RESOLUTION NO. 286 — Reappointment of Beverlea Walz to Colonial & Native American Graves Protection Committee

Councilman Colligan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Supervisor Siller, to wit: “Whereas”, the term of Beverlea Walz as a member of the Shelter Island Colonial & Native American Graves Protection Committee will expire on September 21, 2020, and “Whereas”, Beverlea has expressed her willingness to continue to serve the Town in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That Beverlea Walz is hereby re-appointed to serve as a member of the Shelter Island Colonial & Native American Graves Protection Committee for a term to expire on September 21, 2023. 

RESOLUTION NO. 287 — Reappointment of Paulette Van Vranken to Conservation Advisory Council

Supervisor Siller offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bebon, to wit: “Whereas”, the term of Paulette Van Vranken as a member of the Conservation Advisory Council will expire on September 20, 2020, and “Whereas”, Mrs. Van Vranken has expressed her willingness to continue to serve the Town in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That Paulette Van Vranken is hereby re-appointed to serve as a member of the Conservation Advisory Council for a term to expire on September 20, 2022. 

RESOLUTION NO. 288 — Reappointment of James M. Bevilacqua to Deer & Tick Committee

Councilman Bebon offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Brach-Williams, to wit: “Whereas”, the term of Dr. James Bevilacqua as a member of the Deer and Tick Committee has expired, and”Whereas”, Dr. James M. Bevilacqua has expressed his willingness to continue to serve on said Committee, now, ThereforeBE IT RESOLVED, That Dr. James M. Bevilacqua is hereby appointed to serve as a member of the Deer and Tick Committee for a term to expire on June 24, 2022.

RESOLUTION NO. 289 — Appointment of John Reilly to Conservation Advisory Council

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: “Whereas”, pursuant to Section 30 (1) (h) of the Public Officers Law, a Town officer must sign and file a constitutional oath of office within 30 days after the term of office begins, and “Whereas”, on May 8, 2020, John Reilly was appointed to serve as member of the Conservation Advisory Council, and “Whereas”, the aforementioned appointee has not yet signed and filed said consitutional oath of office, and “Whereas”, the Town Board desires to have the aforementioned appointee continue to serve the Town of Shelter Island in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That John Reilly is hereby appointed to serve as member of the Conservation Advisory Council for a term to expire on September 20, 2021. 

RESOLUTION NO. 290 — Appointment of Scott R. Campbell to Deer & Tick Committee

Councilman Colligan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Supervisor Siller, to wit: “Whereas”, pursuant to Section 30 (1) (h) of the Public Officers Law, a Town officer must sign and file a constitutional oath of office within 30 days after the term of office begins, and “Whereas”, on May 29, 2020, Scott R. Campbell was reappointed to serve as a member of the Deer and Tick Committee for a term to expire on June 20, 2023, and “Whereas”, Dr. Campbell has not yet signed and filed said constitutional oath of office, and “Whereas”, the Town Board desires to have the aforementioned appointee continue to serve the Town of Shelter Island in said capacity, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That Scott R. Campbell is hereby reappointed to serve as a member of the Deer and Tick Committee for a term to expire on June 24, 2023.

RESOLUTION NO. 291 — Carr Business Systems maintenance contract

Supervisor Siller offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bebon, to wit: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to expend the sum of $417.58 from the B3620.491 Building Department service contracts account and $417.59 from the B8010.491 Zoning Officer’s service contracts account to Carr Business Systems, P. O. Box 936715, Atlanta, Georgia 31193-6715 for the annual maintenance contract for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 for the copy machine in the Building Department. 

RESOLUTION NO. 292 — Costello Marine Contracting bid award for Ian’s/Grace’s Lane bulkhead reconstruction

Councilman Bebon offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Council- woman Brach-Williams, to wit: “Whereas”, sealed bids were received by the Town Clerk’s Office until 3 p. m. on the 8th day of July, 2020, for the reconstruction of the bulkhead at Ian’s and Grace’s Lane, at which time they were publicly opened and read aloud, as follows: Crowley Marine Contracting Total bid $397,000.00, and Costello Marine Contracting, Corp. Total bid $351,900.00, and “Whereas”, the Commissioner of Public Works has reviewed said bids and recommended said bid be awarded to Costello Marine Contracting Corp., now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board does hereby award the bid for the reconstruction of the bulkhead at Ian’s Lane and Grace’s Lane to Costello Marine Contracting Corp. for the afore- mentioned amount of $351,900.00. 

RESOLUTION NO. 293 — Advertising for bids for Legion Hall window replacement

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: “Whereas”, Brian Sherman, Commissioner of Public Works, has requested permission to advertise for sealed bids for the proposed purchase of ten replacement windows for the American Legion Hall, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That said request is hereby approved.

RESOLUTION NO. 294 — Senior Services COVID-19 Expenses, public hearing

Councilman Colligan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Supervisor Siller, to wit: “Whereas”, the Town of Shelter Island expects to receive approximately plus or minus $13,000 to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus (COVID-19) These funds may be used for Admin expenses for Senior Services expenses expended during the COVID-19 pandemic, and “Whereas”, these funds may be applied to accounts for use for senior services expenses, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board hereby calls for a public hearing to be held at 4:40 PM, prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the proposed use of said funds. 

RESOLUTION NO. 295 — Creation of Ad Hoc Fresh Pond Study Committee

Supervisor Siller offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bebon, to wit: “Whereas”, the Town of Shelter Island has applied for a grant to study the possibility of improving the water quality at the Town owned Fresh Pond, and “Whereas”, this project will require ongoing monitoring and supervision, and “Whereas”, the Town of shelter Island believes that a volunteer committee of interested citizens is in the best position to oversee the project, it is therefore RESOLVED, that a committee shall be and is created and entitled the “Ad Hoc Fresh Pond Study Committee”, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the mission of the committee shall be to assist the Town in:

  • overseeing a study that the goal of which is to reduce or eliminate environmental degradation of Fresh Pond, including harmful algal blooms
  • the selection of a qualified consulting engineering firm and coordination with the consultant to help facilitate study recommendations
  • ensuring the study complies with grant funding requirement and meeting the goal of a workable remediation plan
  • raising any additional funds for study completion as needed by outreach to the local neighbors association and wider community

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Committee Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority shall be as follows:

  1. committee mission defines the role and responsibility
  2. committee members report to committee chair 
  3. committee chair reports to Fresh Pond Study Project Manager (currently Town Engineer) and has the responsibility and authority to assist the Town in achieving the mission
  4. Project Manager bears overall responsibility and authority for effort, including grant funding oversight
  5. committee members and chair follows town requirement for Boards and Committees Rules of Procedure
  6. Project manager directives may supersede Boards and Committees Rules of Procedure, 

and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the following persons are appointed to a two year term to end on July 10, 2022: Peter Grand, Deb Grayson, Jerri Mayer and James Eklund, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Peter Grand is appointed to chair the committee for the duration of his term, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The committee shall be abolished by operation of law on July 10, 2022 if not reauthorized by the Town Board.

RESOLUTION NO. 296 — Michael Hodor, therapeutic spa tub installation, public hearing

Councilman Bebon offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Brach-Williams, to wit: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board hereby calls for a public hearing to be held at 4:52 p. m., prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the applica- tion of Michael Hodor, 16 Lakeview Drive, for permission to install a 14′ by 7.5′ therapeutic portable spa tub. 

RESOLUTION NO. 297 — Local law regulating decibels of mechanical equipment, public hearing

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board hereby calls for a public hearing to be held at 4:54 PM, prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the following proposed Local Law entitled mechanical equipment, to wit:

Section 1. Add the following Section 133-30-1 Mechanical Equipment: Mechanical equipment incidental to the use of any building may be located in the front or side yard so long as that equipment is: 

A. As near as possible to the structure in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations; and
B. Has listed DbA rating of 74 or less; and 
C. Is maintained in such a condition so as not to increase the noise level.

Section 2. This Local Law shall become effective immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. 

RESOLUTION NO. 298 — 6 Daniel Lord Road LLC, remove site improvements public hearing

Councilman Colligan offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Supervisor Siller, to wit: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board hereby calls for a public hearing to be held at 4:56 PM, prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the applica- tion of 6 Daniel Lord Road LLC, 6 Daniel Lord Road, to remove existing site improvements from within the regulated area. 

RESOLUTION NO. 299 — South Ferry, Inc. new maintenance building, public hearing

Supervisor Siller offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bebon, to wit: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board hereby calls for a public hearing to be held at 4:56 PM, prevailing time, on the 31st day of July, 2020, in the Shelter Island Town Hall, Shelter Island, New York, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition to the special permit application of the South Ferry, Inc., 128 South Ferry Road, to remove several existing buildings, construct new maintenance barn with office, meeting room, sanitary facilities and work areas. 

RESOLUTION NO. 300 — Audited claims approved

Councilman Bebon offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilwoman Brach-Williams, to wit: BE IT RESOLVED, That 2020 general claims numbered 914 through 1024 in the amount of $206,664.28, 2020 Community Preservation Fund claims numbered 16 through 19 in the amount of $1,004.74, 2020 highway claims numbered 110 through 129 in the amount of $15,081.57, and 2020 West Neck Water claims numbered 19 through 20 in the amount of $72.98 are hereby approved for payment as audited, and the Supervisor and/or any Town Board member is hereby authorized and directed to sign the approval for payment of same. 

Public Hearings

Daniel R. Ferrara, mooring

At 5:11 p. m., the Supervisor recessed the regular meeting and called to order the public hearing to be held as advertised on the application of Daniel R. Ferrara, 29 Winthrop Road, for permission to install a mooring in Dering Harbor at a location designated as 41.08541° north and 72.34422° west; said mooring location was formerly occupied by the D-2948 mooring. The Town Clerk read the public notice as advertised in the Shelter Island Reporter. 

The Supervisor called for a report from the Waterways Committee of the Town Board, which was as follows: the Waterways met this week, there were six members present, by a vote of five, zero, one, they approved it, Mike Anglin recused himself due to the fact that he is the installer of the mooring, this by the way was a property that was bought from the King family and it had riparian mooring rights and that’s why they approved it. 

The Supervisor opened the hearing for all to be heard in favor of or in opposition. There being no comments, the Supervisor declared the public hearing closed at 5:13 PM.

The Nature Conservancy, stake, mooring and pulley system

Next, the Supervisor called to order the public hearing to be held as advertised on the application of The Nature Conservancy, 47 South Ferry Road, for permission to install an approximately one hundred foot stake, mooring and pulley system in Foxen Creek at a location designated as 41.065437° north and 72.312958° west. The Town Clerk read the public notice as advertised in the Shelter Island Reporter. 

The Supervisor called for a report from the Waterways Committee of the Town Board, which was as follows: we met the same night and we voted by a vote of six to zero, I want to thank the Director of the TNC Mashomack, Jeremy Samuelson who was present for the meeting, that was very helpful because we needed to change the exact coordinates and he was present and we were able to resolve that without any problems so the vote went six, zero. 

The Supervisor opened the hearing for all to be heard in favor of or in opposition. Some views expressed were as follows: Jeremy, any questions; no I’m just here to answer any questions; I sat in on the meeting, thank you for showing up, it was very helpful. The Supervisor declared the public hearing closed at 5:17 PM.

Bootleggers Alley Parking

Next, the Supervisor reconvened the recessed public hearing to be held on the proposed Local Law concerning parking on Bootlegger’s Alley. 

The Supervisor opened the hearing for all to be heard in favor of or in opposition. Some views expressed were as follows: this has been going on for a while, we are still under the executive declaration, the emergency declaration order regarding the parking there, we’ve met with the neighbors at work sessions, we made one change, Bob, you want to address the change you have to go off mute Bob; essentially the change is that we are now having a no parking zone on Peconic Avenue on the south side of Bootlegger’s Alley up to Brander Parkway, procedurally a change should be made by motion by one of the Board members and read in; I don’t have it in front of my; you can’t do that in a public hearing; when we reconvene; and you can set it; okay, thanks Dot, good pick up, any other comments on Bootlegger’s; yeah that was done at the request of a lot of the people that live along Bootlegger’s and by personal observations of the Town Board, parking on both sides of the street, when cars didn’t fully pull off, the street only measured you know, seventeen feet six inches wide and then you know if they __, that was the necessity that put this on, it wasn’t for any other reason other than to be able emergency vehicles whether it be an ambulance or a fire truck or even bring your boat down for launching and making use of the boat launch, it was just too narrow when we had parking on both sides of the street so we eliminated the parking as just stated, on the south side of the road which now should not be a problem for getting any type of emergency or boat down to that spot, thank you; just to make sure everybody understands, we took, the side we’re taking away was the resident parking but we’ll still have resident parking from the bulkhead up to the beginning of the Peconic Avenue extension so we still have resident parking on one side and nonresident on the other but it’s opened up the street; __ park along the end of the ___, it’s probably about fifty feet to a hundred feet on the south side of the road before you get to Peconic there and you could probably fit about ten resident cars away __ personal observation that very rarely do we get more than a handful ___ parking for the residents nearest to the beach __; okay Jim, so we’re gonna recess that hearing. 

At 5:18 p. m., the Supervisor recessed the hearing

Field, stake, mooring and pulley system

Next, the Supervisor reconvened the recessed public hearing on the Field stake, mooring and pulley system. 

The Supervisor opened the hearing for all to be heard in favor of or in opposition. Some views expressed were as follows: Dot we have to reconvene the hearing on Field’s stake, mooring and pulley but I don’t think we actually have an application before us; but I have no reason to take it off the agenda; so what do we do; to be honest with you it came up under new business at Monday night’s meeting of the WMAC and I guess Artie Springer was still assigned to that stake and pulley mooring and Peter Vielberg will assist the committee in reviewing other locations in that area around Daniel Lloyd Road and if the Board remembers you know, we had three stake and pulley lines at the end of the road that actually, technically was on private property, you remember when we were trying to delineate where the property line was from the owner on the left side, so when we have been and we’re done a successful job in relocating those __, I think they are stakes one, two and three one, three and five, whatever the heck they are, the first three on the north side there, right hand side as you go down to the water, we’ve relocated them and so we’re gonna work with Mr. Field and try and get something that he likes right within that area, there are several possibilities and I want to thank Mr. Vielberg, big excuse me, that he’s been instrumental in helping the committee out in so many ways but Peter’s been really very accommodating and we thank him very much for all his assistance; so I guess we’re recess that one again and we’ll wait for the Waterways; 

At 5:22 p. m., the Supervisor recessed the hearing and reconvened the regular Town Board meeting. 

Resolutions – continued

RESOLUTION NO. 301 — Granting permit to Daniel R. Ferrara for mooring

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: “Whereas”, Daniel R. Ferrara, 29 Winthrop Road, has petitioned the Town of Shelter Island for permission to install a mooring in Dering Harbor at a location designated as 41.08541° north and 72.34422° west; said mooring location was formerly occupied by the D-2948 mooring, and “Whereas”, a public hearing was duly held on the 10th day of July, 2020, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a permit for the aforementioned installation. 

RESOLUTION NO. 302 — The Nature Conservancy stake, mooring and pulley system

Supervisor Siller offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Bebon, to wit: “Whereas”, The Nature Conservancy, 47 South Ferry Road, has petitioned the Town of Shelter Island for permission to install an approximately one hundred foot stake, mooring and pulley system in Foxen Creek at a location designated as 41.065437° north and 72.312958° west, and “Whereas”, a public hearing was duly held on the 10th day of July, 2020, for all interested persons to be heard in favor of or in opposition, now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a permit for the installation of a stake, mooring and pulley system in Foxen Creek at a location designated as 41.065218° north and 72.313666° west. 

Public Hearings — reconvened

Councilwoman Brach-Williams offered the following motion, which was seconded by Councilman Colligan, to wit: The reconvening of the recessed public hearing on a proposed Local Law entitled Alter Parking Requirements for Bootlegger’s Alley, with substantive changes as follows. Section 1. Chapter 126, Section 126-8 of the Shelter Island Town Code shall be amended in that the following subsection shall be added: 

(III) Bootleggers Alley
1. There shall be no parking at any time on the Northwest side of Bootlegger’s Alley across from the end of Peconic Avenue running West (seaward) one hundred twenty (120) Feet to the beachfront which shall be indicated with appropriate signage; and
2. There shall be no parking within six (6) feet of any driveway or intersection on Bootlegger’s Alley; and
3. All motor vehicles or motorcycles parking along the waterfront on Bootlegger’s Alley and on the Southern side of Bootlegger’s Alley from the beachfront running East (landward) to the Peconic Avenue Extension shall display a parking permit, which will be issued by the Town Clerk pursuant to Chapter 36 of the Code of the Town of Shelter Island.
4. There shall be no parking at any time on the southern side of Bootlegger’s Alley from the Eastern side of Peconic Avenue to Brander Parkway.
5. Said parking permit shall be displayed on the lower left corner of the left rear bumper of a motor vehicle and the rear mudguard of a motorcycle.
6. There shall be no double parking anywhere on Bootleggers Alley; and
Section 2. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. 

On motion of Supervisor Siller and seconded by Councilman Colligan, the meeting was adjourned at 5:34 p. m.