Shelter Island Action Alliance today

Shelter Island Pharmacy putting lunch together for Action Alliance to deliver
Action Alliance image / Shelter Island Pharmacy putting lunch together for Action Alliance to deliver

Local activists created the Shelter Island Action Alliance in the early days of the COVID-19 shutdown as a way to keep restaurant kitchens working while also feeding hospital workers isolated on the frontlines of the pandemic.

The brainchild of Brett Sureus and Alex Graham, the Alliance is supported by many volunteers. With the number of COVID-19 cases down and health care workers back to their normal schedules, what is the Action Alliance doing today?

In a recent call, Sureus told the Gazette that, although donations have slowed down, the Alliance continues to raise funds with the help of the Shelter Island Lions Club.

“We are best when we are working together to help everyone in the community,” Surerus said.

Filling the need

With hospitals needing less support, “we will fill in any need we can, we are remaining flexible so we can pivot to whatever need pops up,” he said. The Alliance has delivered 5,200 meals in all, including to:

  • Staff at Stony Brook’s Eastern Long Island Hospital in Greenport and Southampton Hospital
  • Shelter Island seniors on Tuesdays and Thursdays, augmenting the Monday, Wednesday and Friday meal delivery program run by the Town
  • Police Department and Shelter Island School staff, and EMS volunteers

And, coming soon, every volunteer firefight will receive on free pizza, Surerus said.

Shelter Island Action Alliance logo
Shelter Island Action Alliance continues to raise funds to help restaurant kitchens keep working and to feed those in need.

Make a donation

The Alliance has raised $65,000 to date. Its mission is still relevant: to help local restaurants to continue operating and the commitment to provide take-out options, hire-back as much staff as possible, and to provide meals where needed.

There are three ways to donate, and funds can be applied to a specific food establishment. To make a tax deductible donation:

For questions and information email: or 631-806-5458 (Brett Surerus) or 646-415-2792 (Alex Graham)

Editor’s note: The Shelter Island Gazette is pleased to support the Shelter Island Action Alliance by providing advertising free of charge.