Police reform committee: Take a quick survey

If you live, work or play on Shelter Island, the Town’s state-mandated police reform committee invites you to take a quick survey.

The five appointed members of the Town committee examining police reform under a statewide initiative developed the survey as part of an ongoing assessment of the local police department.

Officially called the Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative (PRRC), the five-member committee examining police reform under a statewide initiative has issued a SurveyMonkey questionnaire. It is available online in English or online in Spanish.

If you prefer, you can pick up a paper copy at Town Hall or the Shelter Island Public Library. The survey is anonymous. But it includes an option to speak directly with the committee.

The goal is to provide the PRRC committee — Don D’Amato, Ellen Gove, Jose Montalvo, Patricia Quigley and Jason Shields — with a snapshot of public opinion regarding the Shelter Island Police Department.

“One of the stated goals of the Shelter Island Police Department is to make Shelter Island a safe place to live, work, and raise a family,” the PRRC committee says in the survey introduction. The survey “will ask you questions about yourself, the Shelter Island Police Department, and your experiences with its officers.”

“The results will be used to guide any reform efforts in line with Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Executive Order 203, NYS Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative,” the committee says, noting that the survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. “We appreciate your time and participation.”

The committee also plans to meet with stakeholder groups as it gathers information in advance of the April 1 deadline to submit a report to the state, or risk losing state funding. Recently, the group took a virtual tour of the SIPD — read our coverage in this Gazette post.

Learn more about the statewide initiative by reading the Resource and Guide for Public Officials and Citizens on the governor’s website.