Police blotter for September 26 to October 2

An arrest in a $100K alleged theft tops the police blotter for September 26 to October 2, a week with a minor accident and four traffic tickets.

SIPD announced the arrest of Jazmin M. Acevedo-Rodriguez, 36, of Amityville on one charge of grand larceny in the 2nd degree and one charge of identity theft in the 1st degree. Find details in this post: “Amityville woman arrested in $100K theft case.”

Note: This post is based on information provided by the Shelter Island Police Department. Those named have not been convicted of a crime, and charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found not guilty.


Alexandra Melanie Burns of Shelter Island told SIPD she was traveling eastbound on Burns Road on Saturday, October 1 at 8:48 PM when a deer ran out and struck her vehicle, causing damage to the left front headlight and directional light estimated at less than $1,000.

Traffic stops

SIPD stopped and ticketed drivers as follows:

  • On Monday, September 26
    • Luis M. Crespo Avecillas of Maspeth at 5:30 PM on Manhanset Road for failure to stop at a stop sign
    • Glenn P. Howley of Shelter Island at 6:36 PM on West Neck Road for an improper or unsafe turn without signal
  • Sylvie M. Bohrer of Shelter Island on Friday, September 30 at 11:53 AM on New York Avenue for speeding 46 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone
  • Iris Y. Zonlight of Shelter Island on Saturday, October 1 at 1:02 PM on North Ferry Road for operating a motor vehicle while using a mobile phone

SIPD also issued nine warnings to drivers during traffic stops.

Detailed police blotter for September 26 to October 2

Monday, September 26

A caller reported an injured turkey in the Center; it was gone when the animal control officer (ACO) arrived. A Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team (SIEMS) transported an aided case to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH).

A Longview caller reported two dogs at large; the responding officer found they reside next door. Suffolk County PD forwarded a report from an automated alarm at a Shorewood residence. SIPD found the home secure and notified the owner.

Someone turned in a wallet found along the North Ferry line; SIPD contacted the owner in Connecticut, who agreed to send a postage-paid mailer for return. SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH.

A caller reported a vehicle driving southbound in the northbound lane of Route 114 near the Center post office. An officer searched without success and checked at South Ferry, but employees hadn’t seen a vehicle matching the description.

Tuesday, September 27

A Ram Island caller reported a possible sailboat in distress; a bay constable checked and found no emergency. The boater anchored to escape heavy wind the night before while en route to Rhode Island.

An officer conducting radar enforcement in the Heights observed no violations. A person walked into SIPD headquarters to report being the victim of a possible financial crime.

SIPD followed up with a caller who reported a possibly abandoned vehicle in the Heights. SIPD was investigating a report of a suspicious package. A Center caller said someone approached her soliciting masonry services but could not describe the person or vehicle.

A caller reported accidentally setting off an emergency medical alert. In the Center, a caller notified SIPD that someone was refusing to leave a property. In Shorewood, a caller reported a low-hanging wire; it was a phone line clipped by a passing truck. SIPD contacted Verizon for repairs.

In Silver Beach, a homeowner traveling out of the country was informed by a neighbor of a power line down on his property; SIPD checked and found it was not a live wire and notified PSEG for repairs.

Wednesday, September 28

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH. An automated alarm sounded at a Center location; the Shetler Island Fire Department found construction work tripped a smoke alarm.

A Menantic caller requested additional patrols saying a particular SUV had been operated at high speed, creating a hazard. SIEMS transported an aided case to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital.

In the Center, a caller reported a low-hanging wire along a roadway; SIPD tied caution tape and notified Verizon for repairs.

A caller reported a possible water main break; the responding officer found water flooding a private driveway and notified Suffolk County Water Authority for repairs.

An officer conducting radar enforcement in the Center observed no violations. Later, an officer conducting radar enforcement in the Center issued a verbal warning. A caller reported an item missing.

SIPD was notified of a patron refusing to leave a West Neck establishment and would not pay for services; the caller did not want to press theft of services charges but completed an affidavit of trespass.

An officer on patrol noticed a street lamp at a West Neck intersection was not working and notified the Highway Department for repairs.

Thursday, September 29

Around 3:46 AM, an officer assisted a home health aide in attending to a person who’d fallen but was not injured.

SIPD investigated a 911 call, canvassing an area after being unable to contact the caller. An employee at the location knew of no emergency there. A Heights caller turned in a found driver’s license; SIPD could not reach the license owner.

An officer assisting a person who had trouble starting a vehicle found it was due to a mechanical problem; the person contacted a towing service. A dog wandered into Town Hall; it left before SIPD arrived.

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH. An officer conducting radar enforcement in the Cartwright area issued two verbal warnings. A menantic caller reported a dog at large; the responding ACO contacted the owner, who retrieved the dog.

Friday, September 30

Just before 6 AM, the SIFD assisted a person who reported a possible electrical fire in the Center where a burst light bulb preceded a power circuit shutdown. SIFD advised calling in an electrician before turning the breaker back on.

An officer conducting radar enforcement in the West Neck area observed no violations. A Center caller reported a dog at large; the responding ACO reunited the dog with its owner.

A passerby reported wires dangling over South Midway Road; SIPD canvassed the area but didn’t find any hazard. SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH.

Saturday, October 1

A toddler playing with a phone accidentally dialed 911. A passerby dropped off a dog at SIPD HQ found while out walking; an ACO reunited the dog with its owner.

A caller reported a bicycle missing from her garage; it was located later. SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/Southampton Hospital. An officer dispatched a deer found injured along a Center roadway and notified the Highway Department for removal.

Sunday, October 2

Around 3:30 AM, an officer assisted a person who fell at home but was not injured. A Heights caller reported damaging his vehicle and garage when he hit the gas pedal instead of the brake; the responding officer advised him to notify his insurance company.

A passerby reported branches had knocked a cable service wire loose in the Center; the responding officer secured the wire and notified Cablevision for repairs. SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH.

An officer contacted the owner of a dinghy washed ashore in Silver Beach to retrieve the vessel. In the Heights, a caller reported a 30-foot sailboat had broken from its mooring in Dering Harbor.

An officer on patrol notified a person sleeping in a vehicle in a Town parking lot that camping or sleeping on Town property is not allowed. The person agreed to find proper accommodations.

A Longview caller reported someone passing by on a scooter shining a flashlight into neighboring residences; an officer canvassed the area with negative results.

To learn more about the Shelter Island Police Department, visit its website, shelterislandtown.us/shelter-island-police-department. To report an emergency, dial 911 and provide details to the dispatcher. For non-emergency calls, reach SIPD directly at 631-749-0600. Send mail to PO Box 1056, Shelter Island NY 11964.

If you wish to register a compliment or complaint about the SIPD or one of its officers, you can find the complaint policy here and the compliment/complaint form in English at this link. While you may file a compliment or complaint anonymously, doing so means you lose the opportunity to be contacted for more information or to learn of actions taken related to your compliment or complaint. You may also submit compliments/complaints to a member of the Town Board; they serve as Shelter Island’s Police Commissioners. Report complaints of a criminal nature to the Town Attorney (631-749-0027) or the Suffolk County District Attorney (631-853-4161).

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