Police blotter for October 19 to 25

An arrest for criminal trespass and a fire at a Smith Street residence top the police blotter for October 18 to 25. There were three accidents.

[Editor’s note: We’ve reformatted and reissued our SIPD blotter posts as part of a system upgrade]


On Sunday, October 24, around 3:15 PM, the Shelter Island Police Department arrested Thomas P. Ritzler, 49, of Shelter Island on a charge of criminal trespass in the 2nd degree.

SIPD Detective/Sergeant Jack H. Thilberg said an investigation determined Ritzler “did enter unlawfully into a dwelling.” He was released on a desk appearance ticket and directed to appear at Shelter Island Justice Court on a future date.


On Thursday, October 21, around 7:45 PM, the Shelter Island Police Department, volunteer Shelter Island Fire Department (SIFD), and a volunteer Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team (SIEMS) responded to a call about an active fire. Working to douse the flames were two occupants and a neighbor who had altered them to the blaze that began on a wooden deck.

The SIFD brought the fire under control, and it did not spread to the house’s interior. However, the structure had extensive damage to the east side and rear deck outside. No injuries were reported, and officials deemed the fire, apparently begun by a partly extinguished cigarette, accidental.

Accidents and traffic stops

Around 3 PM on Wednesday, October 20, Andrea L. Caccese of Manhasset reported an accident that morning aboard a North Ferry vessel. Cassese said she was parked aboard Menantic, and about halfway through the crossing, her vehicle was rear-ended by one driven by Cristina Galeis of Sag Harbor. Galesi, when contacted by SIPD, said she’d forgotten to put her car in park and rolled forward into Caccese’s vehicle. Both estimated damage was less than $1,000.

In a deer v van v trailer incident, George D. Schultheis of Shelter Island said he was traveling southbound on Rocky Point Road about 2:30 PM on Thursday, October 21, when a deer ran onto the roadway. That caused him to swerve and rear-end a parked trailer owned by Liberty Lawn & Landscape. The repair estimate exceeds $1,000.

On Saturday, October 24, Hernan A Murcia of Shelter Island said he was traveling southbound on West Neck Road after midnight when a deer jumped out into the roadway. That caused him to swerve into bushes on the northbound shoulder, resulting in damage exceeding $1,000. The responding officer noticed the smell of alcohol, but Hernan said he had consumed a beer with the property owner where the crash took place. That person did not witness the accident.

Hernan was ticketed for aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.

In addition, officers issued two verbal warnings to drivers during traffic stops.

Detailed police blotter for October 19 to 25

Note: This post is based on information provided by the Shelter Island Police Department. Those named have not been convicted of a crime, and charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found not guilty.

Tuesday, October 19

An officer performed radar enforcement in the West Neck area resulting in one verbal warning. A caller reported possible grand larceny relating to a call she received from Chase fraud group requesting money. Another caller reported possible petit larceny relating to two unauthorized charges to a credit card.

At the Shelter Island School, an officer instructed 6th graders in the DARE program. A Center caller reported an injured deer; the responding officer dispatched the deer and contacted the Shelter Island Highway Department (SIHD) for removal.

An officer informed individuals that they were the target of a package scam and should notify SIPD of any suspicious activities. A Center homeowner reported that a malfunctioning system was the cause of an automated burglary alarm.

Someone left luggage and a purse outside a Heights shop; SIPD left a voicemail message for the owner.

Wednesday, October 20

Around 5:30 AM, an officer provided lift assist to a person who’d fallen at home; SIEMS also responded, but the person refused medical attention.

An officer performed radar enforcement in the West Neck area and observed no violations. A Heights caller reported a sick raccoon; the responding Animal Control Officer (ACO) searched the area unsuccessfully.

An officer responded to an automated smoke alarm at a Ram Island location; an employee said there was no emergency. SIFD Chief Anthony Reiter confirmed it was a false alarm.

Thursday, October 21

A Center caller reported a sick raccoon; an ACO captured and transported it to a vet for humane euthanasia. A caller reported a violation of a court order in a civil dispute; an officer contacted the other party, who agreed to stay away.

SIEMS transported an aided cast to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH) for medical attention. An officer performed radar enforcement on West Neck Road and observed no violations.

Friday, October 22

An officer performed radar enforcement in the West Neck area and observed no violations. A walk-in caller at SIPD headquarters expressed concerns about a relative. SIPD advised a HiLo caller to contact pest removal to remove a deer impaled on a fence

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH for further medical evaluation. A burglary alarm sounded at an unoccupied Ram Island residence. The responding officer located an unlocked door, gained entry, and searched, finding no apparent signs of criminal activity, but could not contact the owner.

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH for evaluation. A smoke alarm activated at a Ram Island residence; SIFD Chief Reiter said there was no emergency and notified the owner.

Saturday, October 23

A Heights caller reported being stalked; SIPD determined the allegation was unfounded. A Center caller reported a dead deer near the rear of his house on school property; SIPD notified SIHD for removal.

SIEMS responded to an aided case; the person refused medical attention. The SIPD and SIFD marine rescue assisted Southold PD in locating a vessel in distress. Responders found the boat underway with one engine working headed to a marina for repairs.

SIEMS transported an aided case to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital (SB/SH)

Sunday, October 24

A caller found a great horned owl in distress on her driveway; the responding ACO captured and transported it to the Evelyn Alexander Wildlife Rescue Center in Hampton Bays for rehabilitation.

A Center caller reported a sick raccoon; the responding ACO captured and transported it to a vet for humane euthanasia.

Around 3 PM, a Longview caller reported a noisy party taking place; the responding officer said the sound was not unreasonable and there was no apparent violation of the law.

On Ram Island, an officer assisted in jump-starting a vehicle. After 10 PM, an officer administered oxygen to an aided case until SIEMS arrived and transported the person to SB/ELIH.

Monday, October 25

Around 1:30 AM, SIEMS responded and transported an aided case to ELIH for further medical attention. Later that morning, an officer assisted a person who’d fallen at home but was not injured.

At the Shelter Island School, an officer instructed 5th and 6th graders in the DARE program. A Ram Island caller reported a sick raccoon; the responding ACO captured and transported it to a vet for humane euthanasia.

The SIPD Det/Sgt completed and submitted online audits to the New York State Police Criminal Justice Information Services.

A caller reported keys missing but then found them. A Hay Beach resident reported a deer stuck in a fence; the responding officer searched for it but could not locate the deer.

To learn more about the Shelter Island Police Department, visit its website, shelterislandtown.us/shelter-island-police-department. To report an emergency, dial 911 and provide details to the dispatcher. For non-emergency calls, reach SIPD directly at 631-749-0600. Send mail to PO Box 1056, Shelter Island NY 11964.

If you wish to register a compliment or complaint about the SIPD or one of its officers, you can find the complaint policy here and the compliment/complaint form in English at this link. While you may file a compliment or complaint anonymously, doing so means you lose the opportunity to be contacted for more information or to learn of actions taken related to your compliment or complaint. You may also submit compliments/complaints to a member of the Town Board; they serve as Shelter Island’s Police Commissioners. Report complaints of a criminal nature to the Town Attorney (631-749-0027) or the Suffolk County District Attorney (631-853-4161).

Si desea registrar un cumplido o una queja sobre el SIPD o uno de sus funcionarios, puede encontrar la política de quejas aquí y el formulario para cumplidos/quejas en español en este enlace. Si bien puede presentar un cumplido o una queja de forma anónima, hacerlo significa que pierde la oportunidad de ser contactado para obtener más información o conocer las acciones tomadas relacionadas con su cumplido o queja. Los cumplidos/quejas también se pueden enviar a los miembros de la Junta del Pueblo, quienes sirven como Comisionados de Policía de Shelter Island. Las quejas de naturaleza penal pueden presentarse al Fiscal Municipal (631-749-0027) o al Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Suffolk (631-853-4161).