Police blotter for March 7 to 13, 2022

A traffic stop that resulted in seven tickets and an impounded vehicle, tops the police blotter for March 7 to 13.

On Monday, March 7 around 1:38 PM, an officer stopped Nery M. Paredes of Laurel on Jaspa Road for making an improper or unsafe turn without signaling, and failure to stop at a stop sign. Upon further investigation, SIPD determined the vehicle had false temporary Texas plates. SIPD impounded it pending verification of its ownership and further ticketed Paredes for improper plates, driving an unregistered motor vehicle, aggravated unlicensed operation in the 3rd degree (a misdemeanor), failure to keep right, and non-transparent side windows/side wings.

Other tickets and traffic stops

  • Douglas J. Cabral of Greenport on Monday, March 7, around 11:44 AM on North Ferry Road for operating a motor vehicle while using a mobile phone
  • Reginald L. Johnson of Shelter Island on Wednesday, March 9 around 6:!5 PM on North Ferry Road for operating no/inadequate lights
  • Stephanie M. Barbara of Southold on Thursday, March 10 around 11:48 PM on North Ferry Road for driving an unregistered motor vehicle
  • Thomas A. Cunningham of Shelter Island on Sunday, March 13 around 10:24 AM on Manwaring Road for driving an uninspected and unregistered motor vehicle
  • Lori J. Gruber of Brooklyn on Sunday, March 13 around 11:43 AM on New York Avenue for speeding 38 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone

Officers issued eight verbal warnings to drivers during traffic stops.

Detailed police blotter for March 7 to 13

Note: This post is based on information provided by the Shelter Island Police Department. Those named have not been convicted of a crime, and charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found not guilty.

Monday, March 7

A passerby found a wallet and turned it in at SIPD headquarters. A Center caller reported that a truck drove over stone pavers, damaging them; the responding officer contacted the company and advised the two parties to work out a remedy.

An officer escorted two people to the impound lot.

Tuesday, March 8

A caller reported finding several small scratches on his vehicle, a day after washing it. The responding officer said the scratches were likely due to dirt on the vehicle when it was washed and recommended having it waxed to remove minor imperfections in the paint.

An officer performed distracted driving enforcement in the Center and observed no violations. SIPD officers took part in active shooter training in East Hampton with the East Hampton Police Department. An officer conducted a well-being check and found no emergency.

Wednesday, March 9

An officer performed distracted driving enforcement in the Cartwright area and observed no violations.

Thursday, March 10

An officer performed radar enforcement on New York Ave and St. Mary’s Road and observed no violations. A volunteer Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team (SIEMS) transported an aided case to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH) for further observation.

An officer assisted a caller at police headquarters in completing an NYS form confirming the repair of a vehicle lighting defect. A caller reported a person having trouble starting a vehicle; when the officer arrived the vehicle was running. SIEMS responded to an aided case; the person refused medical transport.

Friday, March 11

An unanswered phone prompted a caller to request a well-being check; turns out, the person in question had muted their phone. A Cartwright resident reported information in an ongoing property dispute.

An officer administered first aid until SIEMS arrived. The emergency responders evaluated the aided case and provided transport to SB/ELIH for further medical attention. A Heights caller reported a possible Town Code lighting violation; the responding officer did not believe there was a violation but forwarded the matter to the Building Department for further evaluation.

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH for further medical attention. An officer performed distracted driving enforcement in the Center and observed no violations.

Saturday, March 12

SIPD assisted a driver with a dead vehicle battery. Detective/Sergeant Jack H. Thilberg took part in SIRCHIE training for comprehensive evidence photography, shooting reconstruction, and serial number restoration

A passerby found a wallet; the owner retrieved it from the police station. A Cartwright caller reported a limb down in a roadway; it was gone when an officer arrived. SIPD notified the Island’s highway departments of icy road conditions.

Southold dispatchers received a call about a dispute aboard a ferry, but the parties involved handled it privately and SIPD was not involved. A caller reported information in an ongoing dispute.

Sunday, March 13

A Cartwright caller reported a tree blocking a roadway; SIPD notified the Highway Department to remove it. Volunteers from the Shelter Island Fire Department responded to a carbon monoxide alarm and determined there was no emergency; the alarm was most likely caused by chimney blowback.

Later, a Menantic caretaker reported a CO alarm. SIFD found CO emanating from the boiler, ventilated the house, and declared the scene safe. A caller reported a prior verbal altercation.

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH. An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Heights and observed no violations. A person inadvertently activated a medical alert pendant. In Silver Beach, an officer on patrol observed a downed stop sign; it appeared to have been blown over by high winds.

Around 11:15 PM, an officer assisted a person who’d fallen at home but was not injured.

To learn more about the Shelter Island Police Department, visit its website, shelterislandtown.us/shelter-island-police-department. To report an emergency, dial 911 and provide details to the dispatcher. For non-emergency calls, reach SIPD directly at 631-749-0600. Send mail to PO Box 1056, Shelter Island NY 11964.

If you wish to register a compliment or complaint about the SIPD or one of its officers, you can find the complaint policy here and the compliment/complaint form in English at this link. While you may file a compliment or complaint anonymously, doing so means you lose the opportunity to be contacted for more information or to learn of actions taken related to your compliment or complaint. You may also submit compliments/complaints to a member of the Town Board; they serve as Shelter Island’s Police Commissioners. Report complaints of a criminal nature to the Town Attorney (631-749-0027) or the Suffolk County District Attorney (631-853-4161).

Si desea registrar un cumplido o una queja sobre el SIPD o uno de sus funcionarios, puede encontrar la política de quejas aquí y el formulario para cumplidos/quejas en español en este enlace. Si bien puede presentar un cumplido o una queja de forma anónima, hacerlo significa que pierde la oportunidad de ser contactado para obtener más información o conocer las acciones tomadas relacionadas con su cumplido o queja. Los cumplidos/quejas también se pueden enviar a los miembros de la Junta del Pueblo, quienes sirven como Comisionados de Policía de Shelter Island. Las quejas de naturaleza penal pueden presentarse al Fiscal Municipal (631-749-0027) o al Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Suffolk (631-853-4161).