Police blotter for December 20 to January 2

An overheated fireplace that caused sub-floor plywood and a floor joist to smolder at a Center residence on Christmas Eve tops the police blotter for December 20 to January 2, two relatively quiet holiday weeks.

Shelter Island Fire Department volunteers responded on Friday, December 24, around 7:45 PM, to a Center residence where a caller reported smoke an hour after having a fire in the fireplace. SIFD located a hot spot under the hearth in the basement. After removing a portion of the basement’s sheetrock ceiling, SIFD discovered sub-floor plywood sheathing and a small portion of a floor joist smoldering.

The homeowner said he’d had a blazing fire from noon until about 7 PM; SIFD reviewed the specs for the metal prefabricated fireplace and determined the firebox was intended for smaller fires of shorter duration. Over-firing the firebox caused heat to transfer from the metal box to the wood subfloor. SIFD extinguished the fire and advised the homeowner to inspect the unit before reusing it.

SIPD also extinguished a car fire on New Year’s Eve. A Menatic caller reported around 9:16 AM on Friday that when he got out of his vehicle, he noticed smoke coming from the engine; within a couple of minutes, the entire vehicle was engulfed. No one was injured.


Daniel B. Rasmussen of Shelter Island reported on Tuesday, December 21, around 5:15 AM, that he was attempting to back out of his driveway when he backed into a parked, unoccupied vehicle owned by Lisa Rasmussen of West Babylon, causing damage to both vehicles. The repair estimate is over $1,000.

Tickets and traffic stops

Officers stopped and ticketed these drivers as follows:

  • Dennis M. Flanagan of Shirley on Wednesday, December 22 around 12:07 PM on St. Mary’s Road for failure to stop at a stop sign
  • Jeb Schmidt of Southampton on Wednesday, December 22 around 12:30 PM on North Cartwright Road for speeding 50 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone
  • Andrew S. Kirsch of Cambridge, MA, on Thursday, December 23 around 11:28 AM on North Menantic Road for failure to keep right, and speeding 49 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone
  • Julian Guat Monzon of Eastport on Wednesday, December 29 around 6:52 PM on North Ferry Road for no/inadequate lights

In addition, SIPD issued 10 warnings to drivers in traffic stops.

Detailed police blotter for December 20 to 26

Note: This post is based on information provided by the Shelter Island Police Department. Those named have not been convicted of a crime, and charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found not guilty.

Monday, December 20

Around 4 AM, a volunteer Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team (SIEMS) responded and transported an aided case to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH) for further observation. A West Neck caretaker reported a false alarm activation due to a malfunctioning system.

An officer reported for court duty. A medical alert pendant activated; the wearer said she had dropped it and there was no emergency. An officer met with Recreation Department staff to discuss opportunities for community outreach.

A Westmoreland caller reported that a hunter had trespassed; an Animal Control Officer (ACO) advised the caller to report any future incidents immediately.

Tuesday, December 21

A Menantic caller reported a tree on a primary service line; the responding officer confirmed the hazard and notified PSEG. An officer provided a lesson to 6th graders in the DARE program. An ACO captured a loose dog reported in the Westmoreland area and reunited it with its owner.

An officer assisted a person who’d fallen at home but was not injured. Later, an officer responded to help a person with a locked door inside a residence. A South Ferry Hills caller reported a loose dog; the responding officer caught it and returned it to its home.

Wednesday, December 22

An ACO captured a dog that got loose in the Westmoreland area and then came across the owner looking for the dog.

A burglary alarm went off at a Hay Beach residence; the responding officer canvassed the area and found the premises secure with no signs of criminality. However, the owner agreed to inspect the system as false alarms have become more frequent.

An officer attempted to help a person locked out of a residence but could not gain entry; a locksmith was called to respond. A Heights resident stopped in at SIPD HQ to report for documentation purposes that he’d never received a package he was expecting.

Smoke from cooking tripped an automated fire alarm at a Hay Beach residence; Shelter Island Fire Department Cheif Brian Lechmanski confirmed no emergency.

SIEMS responded and transported an aided case to SB/ELIH for further observation. An officer assisted a driver locked out of a vehicle. A Center caller asked SIPD for a well-being check; the person was found at home in good health.

Thursday, December 23

Around 4 AM, an officer on patrol spotted a truck on a private Ram Island beach; the driver said he was working for the owner.

The SIFD responded when cooking smoke triggered an automated fire alarm at a West Neck location around 7 PM.

Friday, December 24

In the wee hours, an officer on patrol reported hazardous road conditions due to snow. Around midday, a Center caller reported a loose dog; a member of its household retrieved it.

Saturday, December 25

Electric power was interrupted at a Menantic Road residence; the responding officer notified PSEG for repairs. An officer assisted a Hay Beach caller with resetting a smoke alarm. In the Center, a burglary alarm sounded, but the owner said there was no emergency.

SIEMS responded and transported an aided case to SB/ELIH for further observation

Sunday, December 26

No reports.

Monday, December 27

A center caller reported a deer stuck in a wire; the responding officer searched but couldn’t find the deer. Around 10:30 PM, the carbon monoxide monitor at a Center residence sounded; SIFD Chief Anthony Reiter declared it a false alarm.

Tuesday, December 28

A Menantic caller told SIPD she was off-Island but saw via her surveillance camera a person enter the Bilco door to her basement. The responding officer went to the home and found a person the caller had hired to repair a fence who was looking for a valve to turn on the water needed for concrete fabrication.

A Tarkettle caller reported a sick raccoon; the responding ACO couldn’t locate it. An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Menantic area and observed no violations. A passerby reported broken plates and glasses in a Center roadway; the Shelter Island Highway Department removed the debris.

A Cartwright caller reported a dog a large; an ACO recognized the dog and returned it home. An officer completed training for the New York State eJustice computer system. About 11:45 PM, a Ram Island caller reported loud music; the responding officer sat and listened at the location for 10 minutes and heard no noise.

Wednesday, December 29

An officer assisted a driver who was locked out of a vehicle. A custodian at a Center building accidentally tripped a general alarm; the SIFD called off the response. An employee with the wrong passcode tripped a burglary alarm at a Dering Harbor residence.

SIPD advised a caller about where to seek help for a civil grievance. An officer assisted a person who’d fallen at home but was not injured. A passerby reported a dead deer in a Center roadway; an officer moved it to the roadside and notified the Shelter Island Highway Department for removal.

Thursday, December 30

An officer assisted a person with filling in a complaint form about a lighting defect. In addition, a person died at home of natural causes, and SIPD helped the family with notifying the funeral home and others.

SIPD helped a person who was locked out of her residence. A Menantic caller complained about a large truck blocking a roadway; the driver moved the truck when the responding officer arrived. A caller reported finding a dog; the owner retrieved it.

Friday, December 31

Around 7 AM, SIEMS responded and transported an aided case to SB/ELIH. An ACO freed a deer stuck in a fence. A Heights caller reported a sign damaged by pellet gunshots.

An officer assisted a person who’d fallen at home but was not injured. Around 6 PM, SIEMS responded and transported an aided case to SB/ELIH. SIPD was investigating a report of a domestic dispute. Around 10:30 PM, SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH.

Saturday, January 1

Around 5 AM, an officer responded to an automated burglary alarm. A cat loose in the Hay Beach home may have triggered it; the officer put the cat in a bedroom, and the homeowner reset the alarm remotely.

An officer administered oxygen to an aided case until SIEMS responded and transported the person to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital. A Heights caller reported a tree limb fell on a car parked overnight, causing damage; the responding officer advised contacting the caller’s insurance company.

In the Center, a caller reported a raccoon stuck in a BBQ grill; the responding ACO couldn’t find the animal.

Sunday, January 2

An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Menantic area and observed no violations. A caller reported an improperly parked vehicle in the Heights; the owner agreed to move it.

At the Mashomack Preserve Visitor Center, a caller reported a smell of propane; the responding SIFD volunteers found propane leaking from a mechanical room and shut it off at the source.

A passerby reported a dog at large at a Center intersection; the responding ACO found a dog on a walk with its owner. A faulty system was triggered at a Hay Beach residence; there was no emergency, and the homeowners said they’ve been having difficulty with the alarm.

To learn more about the Shelter Island Police Department, visit its website, shelterislandtown.us/shelter-island-police-department. To report an emergency, dial 911 and provide details to the dispatcher. For non-emergency calls, reach SIPD directly at 631-749-0600. Send mail to PO Box 1056, Shelter Island NY 11964.

If you wish to register a compliment or complaint about the SIPD or one of its officers, you can find the complaint policy here and the compliment/complaint form in English at this link. While you may file a compliment or complaint anonymously, doing so means you lose the opportunity to be contacted for more information or to learn of actions taken related to your compliment or complaint. You may also submit compliments/complaints to a member of the Town Board; they serve as Shelter Island’s Police Commissioners. Report complaints of a criminal nature to the Town Attorney (631-749-0027) or the Suffolk County District Attorney (631-853-4161).

Si desea registrar un cumplido o una queja sobre el SIPD o uno de sus funcionarios, puede encontrar la política de quejas aquí y el formulario para cumplidos/quejas en español en este enlace. Si bien puede presentar un cumplido o una queja de forma anónima, hacerlo significa que pierde la oportunidad de ser contactado para obtener más información o conocer las acciones tomadas relacionadas con su cumplido o queja. Los cumplidos/quejas también se pueden enviar a los miembros de la Junta del Pueblo, quienes sirven como Comisionados de Policía de Shelter Island. Las quejas de naturaleza penal pueden presentarse al Fiscal Municipal (631-749-0027) o al Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Suffolk (631-853-4161).