Police blotter August 8 through 14

An arrest for aggravated harassment in the 2nd degree tops the Shelter Island police blotter for August 8 through 14, a week with numerous summonses issued on land and at sea.

Following an investigation into numerous 911 calls with no legitimate purpose, SIPD arrested James S. Lenzer, 61, of Shelter Island on Thursday, August 11 at 8:43 PM. He was charged with one count of aggravated harassment in the 2nd degree, a Class A misdemeanor.

Det/Sgt Jack H. Thilberg said Lenzer was processed and released on an appearance ticket directing him to appear in Shelter Island Justice Court at a later date.

Note: This post is based on information provided by the Shelter Island Police Department. Those named have not been convicted of a crime, and charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn, or they may be found not guilty.


SIPD reported a boating accident that caused a severed finger on Tuesday, August 6 (not included in last week’s blotter). Around 12:56 PM, Christopher Lewis of Wilmington NC lost his footing while tending to a ski rope in West Neck Bay and fell into the water, catching his right hand in the outboard engine hood vent. With assistance from his passengers, Lewis retained the severed finger and went to a nearby marina for help. A Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team provided first aid and transported him to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH) for further treatment.

Alice Chen of Flushing told SIPD she was heading southbound on Ram Island Road on Wednesday, August 10, 12:32 PM, using the GPS on her cell phone when she failed to keep right and drove off the roadway causing damage estimated at $1,000 or more. She was ticketed for failure to keep right and operating a motor vehicle while using a portable electronic device.

Stanley Beckwith of Shelter Island said that while working on Bridge Street on Saturday, August 13 around 1 PM he witnessed an e-bike driven by Frank Dellcorte of Santa Cruz, CA strike the left bumper of his vehicle, causing scratches and dents. Dellcorte said the pedal assist on his e-bike failed, causing him to hit Beckwith’s vehicle. Damage was estimated at less than $1,000.

Thomas P. Petersen of Shelter Island said he was driving northbound on North Cartwright Road on Sunday, August 14 around 8:12 PM when a deer ran out and struck the front of his vehicle, causing damage estimated at less than $1,000. The crash killed the deer.

Traffic stops

SIPD also stopped and ticketed drivers as follows:

  • On Monday, August 8
    • Brian G. Raab of Shelter Island, 5:48 PM, on West Neck Road for visibility distorted by broken glass
    • Amy L. Lord Jackson of Charleston, SC, 5:39 PM, on New York Avenue for speeding 42 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone
  • On Tuesday, August 9
    • On West Neck Road for failure to stop at a stop sign, Jack S. Rangaiah of Shelter Island, 4:11 PM and being an unlicensed operator; and Alexander B. Cornfeld of New York, NY, 8:13 PM
  • On Wednesday, August 10
    • Alexander I. Goncharenko of Santa Monica, CA, 7:40 PM on New York Avenue for improper passing, and speeding 40 mph in a 25-mph zone
  • On Thursday, August 11
    • On North Cartwright Road for speeding 48 mph in a 35-mph zone, Doreen Pappas of New York, NY, 4:07 PM, and Brigid E. Flanagan of New York, NY, 4:13 PM
  • On Friday, August 12
    • Beth Santillo of Mattituck, 7:40 AM on Locust Avenue for failure to stop at a stop sign
    • On West Neck Road for failure to stop at a stop sign, Victor Calderon of Riverhead, 5:36 PM, and Christian E. Houston-Floyd of New York, NY, 7:54 PM
  • On Sunday, August 14
    • Jonathan E. Cohn of Acton, MA, 11:30 AM on St. Mary’s Road for failure to stop at a stop sign
    • Richard Pulik of Jersey City, 11:43 AM on Manwaring Road for driving an unregistered, limited use vehicle, and wearing an unapproved protective helmet
    • On New York Avenue for speeding, Erin G. Caldwell of Lloyd Harbor, 4:41 PM and Casey B. Graves of Studio City, CA, 5:52 PM, both 42 mph in a 25-mph zone; and Shaun Mehtani of New York, NY, 7:41 PM, 44-mph in a 25-mph zone
    • Joseph N. McKee of East Hampton, 7:12 PM on West Neck Road for driving an unregistered vehicle, and operating a vehicle while using a portable electronic device

SIPD issued 28 warnings to drivers during traffic stops and 49 parking tickets

Marine incidents

Bay constables wrote summonses as follows:

  • On Friday, August 12
    • Nicholas W. Gagnon of Key West, 1:10 PM in Shelter Island Sound, unregistered motor vessel and for having children under 12 aboard not wearing personal floatation devices (PFDs)
  • On Saturday, August 13
    • Colton Karpus of Oceanport, NJ, 2:10 PM in waters off Crescent Beach for operating near bathers
  • On Sunday, August 14
    • Mitchel H. Turner of Sag Habor, at noon in waters off Crescent Beach for failure to wear a PFD
    • Justin S. Hall of Brooklyn, 1:25 PM in Menantic Creek for having children under 12 aboard not wearing PFDs
    • Christopher P. Durnan of Long Beach, 4:15 PM in waters off Crescent Beach for failure to display registration numbers

Bay constables issued seven warnings to boaters.

Detailed police blotter for August 8 through 14

Monday, August 8

At 6:30 AM, a volunteer Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services team transported an aided case to Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital (SB/ELIH). Just before 9 AM, SIEMS transported another aided case to SB/ELIH.

SIPD officers performed court duty at Shelter Island Justice Court. A West Neck caller reported an injured osprey; the responding animal control officer found the animal dead on arrival.

A Highway Department employee requested additional SIPD patrols in the Center. A taxi company employee turned in an item of property found in a cab.

A Menantic caller reported a sailboat blocking access to his mooring pulley line; the boat owner moved the sailboat to a permitted area. A West Neck caller reported box trucks were impeding the flow of traffic.

A Ram Island caller requested additional patrols to enforce parking regulations at Reel Point.

In the Center, a resident reported her carbon monoxide monitor had activated overnight and she wasn’t initially concerned because she believed the detector was faulty. But an odor in the home prompted a follow-up call to SIFD. No CO was detected in the house and SIFD recommended a call to an HVAC contractor to check ducts.

SIPD was investigating a possible fraud relating to a bank account. A caller reported finding an endorsed check; SIPD notified the owner who said it had been deposited and could be destroyed.

An officer conducted radar enforcement in the Heights and issued two tickets and three warnings. A Hay Beach caller reported multiple people failing to pick up after their dogs; the responding animal control officer (ACO) said that while that’s unsanitary, there is no Town pooper-scooper ordinance.

Tuesday, August 9

Around 3 AM, a Center caller reported hearing voices in her backyard; the responding officer found no one present but saw the pool gate was open and the patio was wet as a result of people having recently gotten out of the pool.

An officer on foot patrol in the Heights found a credit card; SIPD returned it to its owner. During radar enforcement in the Heights, an officer observed no violations.

A passerby found a wallet; SIPD returned it to the owner. Later, someone turned in found debit and passport cards. The responding officer notified the issuing bank and was advised to shred the debit card. SIPD wasn’t able to contact the owner and placed the items in storage.

An automated fire alarm sounded at a Center guest house; SIFD determined it was a false alarm. An officer performed distracted driving enforcement in the Center, resulting one verbal warning.

Just before 6 PM in the Heights, a sprinkler system activated due to a false alarm (it went off again around 6:30 AM). Around 11 PM, a Ram Island burglary alarm sounded when a person accidentally activated the system. At 11:40 PM, SIFD responded to a West Neck fire alarm that was set off by steam from a shower.

Wednesday, August 10

At 2:23 AM, a Ram Island caller reported hearing yelling from people in a nearby vehicle; SIPD canvassed the area with negative results. An officer conducted radar enforcement in the Center and observed no violations. A Ram Island caller reported that a hawk had dropped an injured animal on a deck; the responding ACO wasn’t able to find the animal.

In the Heights, a chipmunk got into a house; the ACO searched thoroughly but didn’t find it. Someone at a Tarkettle home accidentally tripped the fire alarm. A grandma reported her grandchild pressed the emergency button on a Center elevator, dialing 911.

At Gardiner’s Bay Country Club a caller reported damage to a member’s golf cart. A bay constable advised the operator of a boat anchored in West Neck Creek to move to the West Neck Harbor anchorage.

SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH. SIPD assisted a driver locked out of a vehicle. A Cartwright caller reported a vehicle parked without permission; SIPD found the driver was allowed to park there.

In Silver Beach a child inadvertently dialed 911. An officer issued two warnings during distracted driving enforcement in the Center. In radar enforcement in the West Neck area, an officer issued two tickets and one warning.

A Silver Beach caller reported a dog at large; the responding ACO spotted the dog as it was walking back to its owner’s property.

Thursday, August 11

A burglary alarm sounded in an unoccupied Center residence; there was no sign of criminal activity. An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Center and observed no violations.

A West Neck fire sprinkler system activated; the owner said there was no emergency. A caller reported an injured gull; it was gone when the ACO arrived. An officer assisted a person with verifying a VIN for the Florida DMV.

SIPD opened a confidential drug investigation. A Ram Island caller reported a vessel anchored outside the designated Coecles Harbor area and people waterskiing without personal floatation devices; the responding bay constable advised the boat operator to move to the anchorage and found water skiers in the area were wearing PFDs.

SIEMS responded to an aided case; medical treatment was refused. An officer escorted a person to his residence without incident. At 11:23 PM, a Menantic caller reported a bat in the house; the responding ACO evicted it.

Friday, August 12

An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Center and observed no violations. A passerby turned in an item found at Crescent Beach. An ACO issued verbal warnings to two people at Wades Beach for violating the Town’s prohibition against dogs — leashed or otherwise — on Town beaches through Labor Day.

A Hay Beach caller reported a stray cat; the ACO contacted possible owners with no luck, and the cat wandered off. In the Heights, an officer conducted radar enforcement and issued three warnings. Later, a Center distracted driving enforcement resulted in three warnings.

Burnt food triggered a fire alarm in the Center. In Shorewood, a caller reported loud noise around 10:20 PM; the responding officer spoke with an event manager who said the festivities had ended, but there would be another event the following day until midnight. A little after 11 PM, a Hay Beach caller reported noise from a loud party; the responding officer spoke with the homeowner who agreed to turn off the music and have guests quiet down.

Saturday, August 13

At 12:39 AM, SIPD officers responded to a call about several males in a physical altercation onboard a North Ferry Vessel; once the vessel docked all parties separated until SIPD arrived. Later, a caller requested information from Southold dispatch regarding a prior arrest.

A Center caller reported noise from an unoccupied neighbor’s house; turns out the neighbor arranged to have some construction work done while away. In Longview, a caller reported an unknown vehicle parked in a driveway; the homeowner said it belonged to tenants and was awaiting removal for repairs.

An officer performed an Environmental Conservation Law check at Reel Point where 12 people were fishing and found no violations. At Wades Beach, an ACO issued a warning to a dog owner for violating the Town’s no dogs through Labor Day rule.

At Crescent Beach, a caller reported a seaplane in the restricted swim area; officers spoke with the company’s safety officer and sent a map showing the restricted areas so other pilots don’t repeat the error.

SIPD assisted an in-home caregiver with assembling an oxygen tank. SIEMS transported an aided case to SB/ELIH, and another about an hour later. A caller reported a possible phone scam.

A West Neck caller complained about speeding trucks; an officer caught up with an employee of the trucking company and advised that drivers slow down. A caller reported losing his license. An officer on patrol notified a person doing business from a truck on Town property that he was operating in violation of the Town Code and couldn’t return until his permit is approved by the Town Board.

SIPD assisted the operator of a disabled boat off Crescent Beach by notifying a marine towing service and standing by until it arrived. An ACO freed a turkey caught in a fence. A caller reported people trespassing on his beach; the responding officer found no one present.

An officer assisted a driver with starting a disabled vehicle. Around 7 PM, a Menantic caller reported loud music; the responding officer measured the volume and found the noise to be within the limit. SIPD spoke with a caller about an ongoing issue with a neighbor.

An officer filed an e-Justice report about a repossessed vehicle; later an officer spoke with the vehicle owner who thought it may have been stolen. At 10:33 PM, a Hay Beach caller reported hearing fireworks or gunshots; the officer canvassed the area and spoke to two people who heard and saw fireworks, but weren’t sure of the address. Later, an officer spoke with a Center resident after a neighbor complained of loud music.

Sunday, August 14

In Shorewood just after midnight, a caller complained of noise; it was coming from a wedding reception that was winding down. Around 9 AM an officer conducted an ECL check at Hiberry Lane where six people were fishing and found no violations.

A Heights resident inadvertent activated a silent panic alarm. A Ram Island caller reported people on a beach above the mean high water mark; they were gone when SIPD arrived. An officer assisted a person with a broken bike lock. An officer assisted a driver locked out of a vehicle. SIPD performed foot patrol in the West Neck area and observed no violations.

A Silver Beach caller reported a dog missing; the ACO searched until hearing back from the caller that she’d found the dog in the back seat of her vehicle. An officer conducted distracted driving enforcement in the Center and issued one verbal warning. SIEMS responded to a call; the aided case did not require medical transport.

In Longview, a caller reported a dog at large; the responding ACO couldn’t find it. An officer on patrol at Crescent Beach was called to a boutique where a security officer said a customer attempted to leave without paying and was causing a disturbance. A Menantic caller reported two dogs at large; the ACO found them in their yard and closed the gate to secure them.

A bay constable assisted in a search for a vessel that had been involved in a three-boat accident at Mitchell Park Marina. A Cartwright caller reported an injured deer; the responding officer dispatched it and arranged for Highway Department removal. Around 11 PM, a West Neck caller complained of loud music; the responding officer measured the sound level and found it was not enforceable, but notified the manager at the source who agreed to lower the volume.

To learn more about the Shelter Island Police Department, visit its website, shelterislandtown.us/shelter-island-police-department. To report an emergency, dial 911 and provide details to the dispatcher. For non-emergency calls, reach SIPD directly at 631-749-0600. Send mail to PO Box 1056, Shelter Island NY 11964.

If you wish to register a compliment or complaint about the SIPD or one of its officers, you can find the complaint policy here and the compliment/complaint form in English at this link. While you may file a compliment or complaint anonymously, doing so means you lose the opportunity to be contacted for more information or to learn of actions taken related to your compliment or complaint. You may also submit compliments/complaints to a member of the Town Board; they serve as Shelter Island’s Police Commissioners. Report complaints of a criminal nature to the Town Attorney (631-749-0027) or the Suffolk County District Attorney (631-853-4161).

Si desea registrar un cumplido o una queja sobre el SIPD o uno de sus funcionarios, puede encontrar la política de quejas aquí y el formulario para cumplidos/quejas en español en este enlace. Si bien puede presentar un cumplido o una queja de forma anónima, hacerlo significa que pierde la oportunidad de ser contactado para obtener más información o conocer las acciones tomadas relacionadas con su cumplido o queja. Los cumplidos/quejas también se pueden enviar a los miembros de la Junta del Pueblo, quienes sirven como Comisionados de Policía de Shelter Island. Las quejas de naturaleza penal pueden presentarse al Fiscal Municipal (631-749-0027) o al Fiscal de Distrito del Condado de Suffolk (631-853-4161).