PMP presents Matthew Lipman and Yi-Fang Huang in alumni recital

Jiyang Chen photo | PMP alumnus Matthew Lipman performs a virtual Stires-Stark recital on November 19 with pianist Yi-Fang Huang. Tune in at PMP from Home.

The Perlman Music Program presents Matthew Lipman, viola, and Yi-Fang Huang, piano, in a Stires-Stark alumni recital.

The program, presented via PMP from Home, will air starting November 19.

Generously underwritten by Sidney S. Stark and the Stires-Stark Family Foundation, the alumni recital series showcases PMP’s amazing graduates.

Many of them now hold leadership positions among renowned orchestras and faculties.

In 2012, PMP inaugurated this year-round recital series at the beautiful Clark Arts Center. During the pandemic, the presentation shifted to a virtual format.

Alumni recitals will be released on Friday afternoons. Here’s the lineup for the rest of the season (follow links to learn more about the artists):