Demolition begins at West Neck Preserve

Jim Colligan photo | Demolition underway at West Neck Preserve, a 7.7-acre lot that's one of the latest acquisitions under the Community Preservation Fund.

Demolition began Monday at West Neck Preserve, a 7.7-acre parcel at the corner of West Neck Road and Brander Parkway that is one of the latest acquisitions under the Community Preservation Fund.

The land was acquired last February from the O’Connor family and included a small house, among other ancillary structures. The Town Highway Department began pulling down and loading the remains of the house into dumpsters on Monday morning.

Once SIHD levels the house and fills in a partial basement, work will begin on clearing other debris from the property, including the vine-shrouded remains of trees that had been taken down and processed as firewood by a former occupant.

Also on the property is a plantation of numerous evergreens, remnants a home-based Christmas tree business. Highway Superintendent Brian Sherman says workers will move some of the trees around the edges of the property.

The Community Preservation Fund developed a stewardship plan that calls for primary use as passive recreation and freshwater recharge. As has been done elsewhere, the Town will create a small parking area with signage and an entry off West Neck Road. Seasonal hunting and trapping will be managed by the Town.