PMP announces in-person Chamber Music Workshop at Shelter Island campus

An in-person Chamber Music Workshop will take place this June in the performance tent at the Perlman Music Program Shelter Island campus. Among the events are free concerts and masterclasses open to the public by advance registration.

“As you can imagine, we had a myriad of challenges to solve before confidently re-opening our doors,” PMP said in an email to supporters on Thursday. “We formed a health and safety task force, consulted with local medical professionals, and updated our campus facilities, all according to New York State Children’s Camp Guidelines, which govern our campus.”

“We are actively monitoring the public health scenario and will shift our approach and schedule as needed,” PMP said. “Above all, our priorities are to fulfill our educational goals, and protect the well-being of everyone on our campus.”

“Although some details this summer will be different, the most important elements will remain the same: our young artists will be on stage, bringing their joy and energy to every performance. We can’t wait to share the music with you again.”

Chamber Music Workshop

The Chamber Music Workshop brings together young artists and faculty for a program of intensive collaboration, that — in the PMP tradition of performance as part of training — include masterclasses and concerts outdoors under the tent.

Young artist participants in two back-to-back kickoff concerts on June 11 at 4 and 7 PM, featuring master works by Beethoven, Haydn, Janacek, Mozart, Price, and Shostakovich.

On Monday, June 21 at 7 PM guests are welcome to attend a masterclass with Donal Weilerstein. For 20 years, Weilerstein was first violinist of the renowned Cleveland Quartet, with whom he toured the world. His recordings with the quartet can be heard on the RCA, Telarc, CBS, Phillips, and Pro Arte labels. These recordings have earned seven Grammy nominations and won Best of the Year awards from Time and Stereo Review. Join him as he and young artist participants dive inside master works.

On Tuesday, June 22 at 7 PM, another member of the Chamber Music Workshop faculty (TBA) will lead young artist participants in a second masterclass. Then, on Friday, June 25 at 7 PM and Saturday, June 26 at 4 and 7 PM, the young artist participants will cap off the workshop with three concerts of masterworks by Bartok, Beethoven, Brahms, Dvorak, and Schumann.

Reserve tickets

Guests may reserve up to two seats per date. As per NYS camp guidelines, all who attend must present proof of vaccination and will be required to wear masks and practice social distancing while on PMP grounds. In another change, no parking will be permitted on campus; but you can call ahead to arrange handicap accessible parking.

To ensure all rules are understood, the online ticketing process directs guests to a “Before You Arrive” page on the PMP website, where they can acknowledge they understand the rules and provide contact information.

“We are grateful for your understanding and support, and we can’t wait to welcome you back,” PMP said.

Follow this link to reserve your free tickets.

Questions? Find more information on the organization’s website,, or call PMP at 212-877-5045.